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Doris gives birth to her child in the hospital, but Harry eats the remains of the pregnancy.

Doris is shipped off to her bed and realizes she's still in P-town.

She catches Alma trying to eat the baby blood and goes off.

Ursula tries to keep her sedated and in bed to allow her to keep making money from everyone.

Alma tries to give he mom the pill, saying her dad told her to do it, leading to an epic bust-up.

Doris tries to run out the house with the baby but the bad pale people are lurking.

Doris is talked into taking the pill by Alma.

Harry, Ursula, and Alma go out for dinner and Karen and Mickey break in to steal the baby.

They realized Doris has taken the pill because her hair is falling out.

Doris wants to kill the baby.

Karen runs off and Mickey tells her he'll leave her to die or she can take the pill.

He leaves the pill and Karen takes it.

The Gardners throw Doris out to be with the pale people.

Karen needs to feed so she eats Mickey before slashing her wrists and walking into the water, making the tide red.


American Horror Story
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American Horror Story Season 10 Episode 5 Quotes

I still don’t understand why you keep her around. We’re trying to be great at something, daddy. People like her just want to get through the day. We want to live deep.


We’re more than OK. From now on, we’re going to be great.
