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Alma has blood all over her and Burleson arrives to say she had reports about it.

Doris falls down the stairs and is put on bed rest for a few days.

Harry tells his daughter she can't take the pills any longer.

She says she won't if he won't. She catches him taking them and they both take them.

Harry goes out to get a meal by finding someone selling crap. He's kidnapped to be put in a snuff movie but he manages to kill them both and takes blood back to the kid.

Ursula arrives in town, determined to find out what's going on.

She goes to the bar and tells Belle and Austin to stop singing. Mickey pursues her and asks her to read scripts.

She reluctantly agrees and quizzes him about them.

He tells her the truth and she tells him to steal some of the pills.

Belle catches on and threatens Mickey.

Ursula and Mickey visit the chemist and offer her a deal to take Hollywood by storm.

She tells Austin and Belle they need to kill all of them because she doesn't want this getting out.

Harry visits the hospital and Burleson arrives to quiz the kid, but the kid kills her.

Harry returns home to her bleeding out and Ursula saying they need to talk.

American Horror Story
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