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Michael gets introduced to everyone and tells them about the tests that he will be conducting. Mr. Gallant volunteers first and the topic of his grandmother comes up. Later that night the Rubber Man visits him, who he thinks is Langdon. Evie sees them and sells him out, only for Mr. Gallant to receive a punishment. 

Langdon releases him, but not before telling him that he didn't have sex with him. So when Mr. Gallant gets another visit from the Rubber Man, he attacks him, but it turns out that Langdon set him up, and he killed Evie.

Timothy and Emily look through Langon's computer and see that he sent out instructions for each Outpost that didn't say sex wasn't allowed. They decide to have sex and Miriam catches them, only for Timothy to fight back and shoot her to save them. She reveals her wound which isn't bleeding, and that questions whether she is even human. 

Michael also has a meeting with Venable, they discuss her rules which she claims she was told to enforce through an email that she then had to delete. Michael finds that suspicious since he sends out those emails and never sent out those rules. 

American Horror Story
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