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Emmalin finally tells Michael about her problems in college, and he doesn't take it very well.

Claudia Joy finds out from Pamela about Michael's ticket.

Denise gets her job at the hospital back, and runs into Tanya who is finishing out her active duty on post.

Pamela is still being evaluated at work.

David starts his first day at school, and is teased about Joan's rank. TJ steps in to help.

Trevor discusses Officer's Candidate School with Chase.

Michael is struggling with his recent bad luck after the article was released.

Boone keeps on Pamela until she tells him what she really thinks about the woman he is dating, Lisa.

Chase sees Pamela on television during a live shootout and races to her rescue.

Emmalin goes back to school, with her future looking brighter.

David lies to his new parents to try to get out of his punishment, and runs away when it doesn't work.

Chase gets a job offer in California







Army Wives
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Army Wives Season 5 Episode 12 Quotes

Joan: Given what we know, do you think we should lighten his punishment?
Roland: No, we gotta stay consistent.
Joan: I know, it just hurts.

Our daughter came home needing love and support, and what she got instead was the back of your hand. From a hypocrite no less. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Claudia Joy