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Cat tries to talk the police out of taking Vincent to jail for the weekend, but they don't listen. In her haste to get the gem as Vincent requests, Cat drops her badge out in the snow.

JT and Tess are in bed together when Cat calls to ask details about the gem.

Cat arrives at the precinct in her pajamas, sans badge. She wants to keep them from taking Vincent's DNA.

JT calls Gabe to tell him that he'll have to answer to him if anything goes wrong. Gabe seems shocked about Vincent.

Tess is still trying to keep her relationship with JT a secret.

Cat tries to get inside the unknown precinct using photos from her phone of her in uniform. Gabe arrives just in time to flash his ADA badge and tells them to let her back there.

Vincent starts to beast out when faced with the DNA draw.

Gabe tells Cat he wants to win her back on an even playing field, not by playing dirty.

Cat pretends to be in on the DNA draw and talks him through it so she can personally carry the DNA sample to the lab.

Cat asks Vincent to imagine his bliss and where that might be to get him to tell her where the gem is. It's in his brother's headstone. But which brother?

Gabe tells Cat that they have photos of Vincent dumping Windor's body. Cat suggests they say he had amnesia and while trying to be a good samaritan did the wrong thing.

Someone put Windsor's heart into Vincent's fridge, and that's what gave them the evidence to arrest him.

Cat goes to see her father. She thinks he paid someone off to put Windor's heart in Vincent's fridge.

Only Vincent realizes that everyone is doing things that are completely illegal in their attempts to free him. He doesn't approve.

Vincent thinks Cat will end up resenting him if she does things that go against her beliefs. He's willing to wait for her, but he doesn't expect her to do the same.

After talking to Cat, Vincent head back into the jail and picks a fight.

Vincent wants to come clean on everything, but Gabe isn't happy about it.

Cat cuts the gem loose in an ambulance and then makes a run for it.

JT points out that Vincent is on the run to protect them all. He's not happy.

Vincent's go bag is gone.

Vincent finds Cat on her roof. He's coming to say goodbye.

Vincent admits that he doesn't think he could stand a life sentence. He's worried that he could end up worse than now.

Cat and Vincent decide to spend their last night in the bathroom without windows. Cat wonders what happens if she has to pee.

Vincent decides they're going to dance in her bathtub to the first song they ever danced to.

Gabe shows up at Cat's apartment with news about who Reynolds bribed. They got to Reynolds and he says that Muirfield was never erased completely. He tells Gabe to try harder to protect his daughter.

Cat refuses to let Vincent go alone. She decides her moving forward means doing it with him.

A helicopter shows up and Cat refuses to go with him now because she'll drag him down. She promises they will find each other. He cuffs her to her chair and leaves.

JT goes to Tess and tells her he's been preparing for this for over a decade, and he's sorry he took it out on her. They both admit it's never been a one night thing. Tess didn't want Cat to know because she didn't want to rub it in her face that she could have a real relationship while Cat couldn't.

Gabe watches the news on Vincent with a smile on his face. Cat thinks she hears Vincent on her balcony, and she's attacked and a bag is put over her head.

Beauty and the Beast
Episode Number:
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