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Jamie comes home to get Eddie's wallet and finds Henry asleep. The smoke alarm goes off and Jamie discovers the kitchen is on fire. He puts it out. Henry left a bu rner on by accident. Henry insists Jamie  keeps this between them.

Eddie and another cop are talking. The other cop is tired. Suddenly shots are fired. They give chase. The other cop is shot.

At an event where Frank is apparently avoiding everyone, Sloan approaches him. She is working in the private sector now. Garrett interrupts. He tells Frank the systems are under cyber attack and everything is down.

A woman interrupts Danny and Baez's banter to say she's being harassed by some guy. Danny calls the guy over, who accuses him of stop and frisk. They can't check the ID because the system is down. A crowd shows up and demands they let the guy go, and they can't get the ID info because the system is down, and the woman withdraws her complaint because she's upset about the crowd thinking she's a Karen so Danny has to let the guy go.

Eddie's partner is okay and the shooter has been caught. Eddie is aware that Cora is pregnant. Cora doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want anyone to know she's pregnant because she wants to make detective and she's afraid she won't be hired if the department knows. Eddie is initially against this but she does understand. She says she won't volunteer anything but if anyone asks... Cora begs her not to tell anyone.

The system is back up and now Baez has learned that the suspect has a warrant for assault. Now the sergeant is angry at Baez because if she hadn't looked into it, Philly PD wouldn't be upset with them.

The cops are getting bad press over the attack, though Sid is pleased that it only lasted 62 minutes. Sloane shows up and wants to talk to Frank. She's a cybersecurity expert now. She is familiar with the attack and says it was a test to see what they can do to the system. Frank doesn't like the coincidence of her showing up with a solution right after the attack. She denies any responsibility for the attack. She wants to help.

The Philly detective goes hard after Baez and Danny. Powers had six victims, all who had dogs. Danny points out she doesn't have him in custody either. She says cause he skipped bail, not because of failed policing. Danny tells her she has no jurisdiction and they will be the ones to end Powers' reign of terror.

Eddie proposes a hypothetical, sort of, but won't give Jamie much info. Jamie won't give her much info about his situation either.

A tip comes in from a doorman or something who claims Powers is in an apartment with a woman. They go to the apartment and find a dog in a crate and a woman bound and gagged in the bedroom. Baez stands there frozen.

The victim doesn't remember much. She's upset and feels stupid. The perp said he lost his dog and then attacked her when she let him in.

Baez tells Danny she's dizzy. She feels like a rookie all over again, like the case is following her home. She asks Danny if he's tired of all the brutality. And now the public is putting them on trial with their cell phones.  Danny says everyone goes through this. Baez says she has no husband or car, just this job. Danny says she has him but she wants him to handle this one on his own.

Eddie goes to Erin for advice. Erin knows nothing about employment law. Eddie wonders how Erin does what she does all by herself. Erin says she didn't do it all by herself. Eddie says this woman has no one. Erin tells her remind her that women should stick together.

Frank asks Abigail her opinion. She thinks Sloane is not above trying to make this deal by leveraging a former relationship. SHe knows Frank used to be involved with Sloane.  Frank says he didn't care that Sloane didn't look him up when she returned. However, he admits that he has been busy and maybe the part of him that wanted a relationship locked from the inside.  Abigail thinks that he was trying to provoke a personal reaction from Sloane.

Henry doesn't appreciate Jamie cleaning his chimney. He admits that every day he wakes up and checks that he doesn't have dementia. Age proofing his house wn't change the fact that someday time will win out, so he wants Jamie to back off.

At family dinner, Danny and Eddie think full moons change people. Erin disagrees. Frank says people have always been crazy and asks Henry does he remember something. Henry doesn't. He and Jamie have words.

On the way home, Eddie wants to know what is going on with Jamie and Henry. Jamie tells her the truth. Eddie wishes he'd have told her. Jamie says Henry is his hero and he wants to pay him back but he hurt his feelings. Eddie says suggest making it about how Jamie needs Henry. Jamie wants to know about her secret and Eddie won't tell him.

Danny announces loudly he has to search through a ton of Bill Smiths. Baez knows what he's doing. Danny says if she doesn't want to help he has to do it all himself. Baez gives him some suggestions. She ends up going with him.

Sloane comes to see Frank. He apologizes. She refuses to be upset with him or have any emotional response at all. Frank has a contract for her. She's happy. So is he. However he can only pay her 1/3 of her price. He asks her about Gerald Foster, her old boss. He knows Foster was sexually harassing her. She can't violate her NDA by divulging. She is hurt that she is nothing more than the subject of his investigation. She's angry and refuses the contract.

Eddie knows Cora is avoiding her. She says she needs some advice from Cora cause one of these days she's starting a family too. Cora thinks Eddie told on her. Eddie denies it. Cora accuses her of being two faced and walks off.

Baez is exhausted  The next door is the correct one, as evidenced by Powers shooting at them. Danny cuffs him but Baez has been shot and collapses.

Baez awakens in the hospital. Danny has a huge bear for her. She says the bullets barely grazed her. Too close for comfort for Danny. Also Iris is here to thank her.

Frank meets Sloane at a bar. The board signed the contract. She's cold to him. He apologizes and offers to look into Gerald Foster. She wants to leave it in the past. She apologizes for not calling him either. She thinks that it's not so bad to admit they're too old for a relationship now.  Frank has his work, his father, and family dinners. She has a flat, friends, and is not sad even if she isn't happy.

Cora is on desk duty and has an annoying phone call. Jamie calls her in and tells her she has an interview with the detective's office in 15 minutes.  He tells her nothing gets missed and that he knew she was pregnant and got the interview rescheduled. He suggests she admits her mistake. She walks out and hugs Eddie. Jamie tells Eddie he has to go build a porch.

Henry comes by and sees Jamie unloading wood. He doesn't believe Jamie needs his help rebuilding the porch. Jamie says he needs him more than ever and needs him to stay around for a while. Henry tells him he doesn't need that much wood and should return some of it.

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Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 9 Quotes

Henry: What the hell? I didn't leave that burner on.
Jamie: What if I wasn't here? You could have burned the house down.
Henry: Like I wouldn't have heard that damn alarm. Here's the leftovers and Eddie's wallet is on the shelf. And we'll keep this between us.
Jamie: Even from Dad? He lives here too.
Henry: That wasn't a question.

Henry: Top shelf, left container. Don't have to tell me how good my leftovers are.
Jamie: Eddie left her wallet here, but since you're offering...