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Bob feels guilty after Teddy's check up with the doctor suggests that Teddy's high cholesterol and other health problems come from Bob's burgers. In order to help Teddy get healthier, Bob tried to sneak him a veggie burger, which Teddy notices. Then, Bob tries to cut Teddy of from his burgers, which only enrages him. Eventually, Bob and Teddy agree to exercise together, even going as far as to join a "stuntman bootcamp," where members reenact movie stunts in order to lose weight. After Bob and Teddy get into a fight concerning how Bob only sees him as a customer rather than a friend, Teddy decides to abandon exercising and heads to another burger joint, Dusty's Feedbag, and defiantly orders to Belt Buckle Bell Buster, the chain's largest burger. Bob races down there in order to stop Teddy, getting him literally thrown out of the restaurant in the process. After seeing how far Bob was willing to go to keep him healthy, a touched Teddy reconciles with Bob. Meanwhile, after capturing farts in a jar proves unsuccessful, Linda and the kids decide to turn their freezer into an ice wrestling arena. Louise, eager to prove herself as skilled as the big boys, plows through the competition and eventually wins the tournament.

Bob's Burgers
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Bob's Burgers Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Louise: No fart-sicles.
Gene: Just disappoint-sicles

Doctor, stop shoving burgers into his heart!
