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Flashbacks reveal that Tommy was in a car accident when he was a teenager. There was a lot going on that night.

In present day, Nora calls a family meeting. Everyone is surprised to see Tommy, who came down from Seattle.

To support Rebecca, Justin tells her he won't sell his shares. To support her mother, Kitty tells Robert she'll give up her part of the business.

Scotty thinks selling is the way to go, but Kevin wants more details. Sarah is the resolute. She simply won't let go of the company.

When Sarah tells her mom this, Nora goes ballistic. It becomes clear to everyone that there's something Nora isn't telling them.

Flashbacks show Sarah witnessing an argument between Nora, William and Dennis York at the house. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she had never seen her mother so angry

Nora tells Tommy she met with York again. He gave her an envelope filled with copies of canceled checks. Someone was paralyzed the night of Tommy's car accident.

William made a deal with the family. They've been paying them off for 25 years.

York helped with the cover-up and now he's blackmailing Nora to get his hands on Ojai.

Realizing that the Ojai deal may have something to do with the night Nora was so angry, Sarah, Kitty and Kevin try to piece together information.

Sarah remembers that Tommy called about his car accident. He told her that their dad was on his way to Ojai.

At yet another family meeting, the truth finally comes out. The boy who was in the car with Tommy that night is fine. He's a teacher up in Santa Cruz.

But this triggers another realization for Kevin.

Flashbacks show him giving Aaron a behind the scenes tour of Ojai during the time everyone cleared out of the party. They were alone on the back loading dock when Aaron tried to make a move on Kevin, who had not yet come out.

Kevin pushed Aaron away. The two of got into a fistfight that ended when Aaron fell backwards off a platform. Aaron is the one who was paralyzed.

In present day, Kevin stands helplessly on the Ojai platform where the accident occurred. Tommy reveals that he saw Aaron being wheeled in.

Dennis York was there, too.

When Nora arrives, she tells Kevin that she was just trying to protect him. Kevin doesn't buy it. He believes she was only trying to protect herself. He storms off leaving his shaken mother behind.

Nora visits William's grave.

A painting from William's old office leads Holly, Rebecca and Justin to believe it may be a depiction of the mysterious Narrow Lake. A trip to city hall proves otherwise.

After Holly leaves, Justin sees a couple of newlyweds walking down the hall. This inspires him to ask Rebecca to marry him right there, right now.

Justin and Rebecca are now husband and wife!

While making some impromptu honeymoon plans, Justin tries to distract Rebecca by asking her to get him one of those "press your own penny" keepsakes.

Justin is able to rent a house his family used to own when he was a kid. He scoops up Rebecca in his arms and carries her through the threshold.

Holly convinces Nora that finding Narrow Lake is the key to saving Ojai and the family. Holly has a plan. It involves Nora distracting Dennis York in a hotel lounge as Holly looks for clues in his room.

When Holly strikes out in the room, they realize there may be clues inside York's car. So, they steal it.

A map in York's car marks the stops he made in Ojai Valley. Nora and Holly take a break at the same milkshake stand Justin and Rebecca visited.

It's there that Nora recalls a time in 1973 when William said he was going on a business trip to look for land.

When Robert calls, Nora spills the beans about stealing York's car. She decides to hide out at the old Ojai house until they figure things out.

While sitting in a jail cell, Holly tells Nora that she's the leggy blonde William was flirting with in 1973.

Kevin is feeling the aftershocks of the news that he accidentally paralyzed a boy named Aaron 25 years ago. After all this time, Kevin manages to track down the person he hurt.

Aaron, who is confined to a wheelchair, says he's made peace with what happened that night. Now Kevin needs to do the same.

Scotty and Kitty try to console Kevin. Nora calls with the news that Justin got married. They all head up to the Ojai house to celebrate.

The doctor then calls with more amazing news: the results of her first-look checkup after cancer treatment. The family waits anxiously until Kitty finally delivers the terrific news that she's now completely cancer-free.

After dinner, Justin reminisces with Nora about the days at the old Ojai house. As a token of thanks, Justin gives his mom the pressed penny he asked Rebecca to make.

Nora remembers that William gave her one of those same pressed pennies the weekend he was looking for land.

That means he was in the area. Kevin realizes that Narrow Lake is actually an anagram for Nora Walker.

Using the info they discovered from York's GPS, Nora and Holly travel to what looks to be an empty piece of land.

Even though they don't know what to make of it, Nora says, "I see our future here."

But what does the future hold?

Brothers & Sisters
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