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The sister's are desperate to get her powers back. Magggie and Macy forced to sit on the sidelines while Harry and Macy travel the world through portals attempting to protect witches on their own. 

Maggie has a new job as a server at Safe Space, but needs a promtion and a higher rank to avoid losing the access card that gives the sisters acess to their secret witch lair. She  decises to apply for a management role, but is thrown off when she finds out her new friend Jordan is also applying for the role.

Maggie asks Jordan not to apply for the job, but he refuses to back down.  She's surprised to find out that he's a law student who paid his way through college.  She also admits in conversation with Maggie that she finds him to be handsome and charming.

Meanwhile, when Macy attempts to open the Book of Elders to decipher the code and get their powers back, the book blasts her across the room. The Elders enchanted the book to keep demons away -- including Macy. Meanwhile, evil Harry continues to torture Macy in her dreams. 

Mel and Harry finally crack one of the codes in the Book of Elders that sends them to an astral plane to find the Sentinel whom they belive can help restore their powers. They covince the woman at the magic store, who Mel believes has a crush on her, to help guide them to the astral plane with a tea ceremony. They they pass the Sentinel's test and in return, they are given a device to help them decode the Book of the Elders.

Macy goes off on her own in an attempt to rescue a witch named Abigail, but they both end up being kidnapped as intended sacrafices for the mysterious Overlord. They manage to escape through a portal, and Macy brings Abagail to their secret lair.

Maggie doesn't trust Abagail at first, but she warms up to her after she helps Maggie with an influencer spell to help her avoid having to do background check as part of her job application and ace the interview. Maggie ends up landing the assitstant manager position, forcing Jodran to close down his studio. 

Abagail also gives a major clue as to who the Overlord is. We know he's tall, has slick hair, and wears a green ring on his right hand. Somehow, Abigail knows Macy is one of the Charmed ones. She says she prayed for it to be true. When Abigail tries to touch the Book of the Elders, she is also repelled, alerting Macy that she must be evil. She tells Macy that she is half demon and half witch. 

The Overlord tracks Abigail and it leads him to the Safe Space. Maggie, Macy and Abigail lure him to their witches lair, where demon powers do not work, and they vanquish him. 

Charmed (2018)
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Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Maggie: Aren't you a little old to be applying for an assitant manager position?
Jordan: Aren't you a little young to be applying for an assistant manager position?
Maggie: Well I'm 20 if you must know.

I've seen things, Jordan. Things that would make a grown man cry. Even a very grown one. Like you.
