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Raoul is punching at a bag in the gym. He storms away and is then found dead. He has been eaten by rats and appears to have overdosed. Henry and Jo begin their investigation.

Lucas takes one of the rats from the crime scene and finds a lottery ticket and a ring in it's stomach.

Henry attempts to track down the cell phone of the victim and finds himself and Jo at a building site. Henry listens for the phone ringing before digging into the ground to retrieve it.

This prompts the owner Delgoros to start shouting Henry.

Henry attempts to find out the truth by asking to buy heroin from Raoul's old drug dealer which lands him in hot water with the police.

Meanwhile, Abe attempts to sell some of Henry's belongings in the antique store. This leads to Henry arguing with a customer who informs him that she will return for the item when they are having a closing down sale.

Jo informs Henry that her dad was on the wrong side of the law and that she was brought up in a rough area. Henry then invites her to dine with him and Abe. She questions the two of their pasts and they make up an excuse about how they know each other.

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Forever Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jo: Wow, she seems upset.
Abe: He has that effect on people.

I wish to purchase heroin
