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Sue puts McKinley students through fitness boot camp on Glee Season 6 Episode 9. When she begins bullying Roderick, Sheldon steps in on his behalf. Spencer watches and later suggests that Roderick shape up so the New Directions have a shot at winning. Roderick's feelings are hurt so he goes to class. When Spencer sees that his crush is Roderick's lab partner, Spencer pretends to be Roderick's friend in order to flirt. He is a terrible flirt.

The superintendent visits McKinley and Sue asks for a letter of recommendation for United States President of the Year. In exchange for the letter, he needs a favor. Sue must convince the New Directions to perform at his nephew's Bar Mitzvah. When Rachel and Will try to avoid having to take the gig, Sue accepts for them.

Jane tries to ask Mason out for a date but Madison intervenes and shuts him down. He goes to Roderick and Spencer for help.

Will and Rachel discuss Myron's Bar Mitzvah and Rachel reveals that, while the new New Directions are great, she doesn't really know much about what they like. They decide to give the group an assignment: duets. Madison forces Mason to work with her even though he wants to work with Jane.

In the teacher's lounge, Sue tells Sam, Rachel, Beiste, and Will that they must all join her in becoming Myron's backup dancers since he's blown his entertainment budget and can no longer afford real dancers. Sam immediately joins in, much to Beiste's dismay.

Mason tracks Jane down to ask her to sing with him at the Bar Mitzvah. She tells him she's partnered with Roderick but if he'll tell everyone that they're singing together, she'll sing with him.

Spencer tries to motivate Roderick to climb the rope in the gym but he's not very good at being motivating. Instead, he insults Roderick and calls him fat. Roderick responds by calling Spencer a dick.

When Mason tries to tell Madison he's singing with Jane, Madison embarrasses him in front of the entire cafeteria. Jane says she thinks it would be easier if she just sang with Roderick. 

Instead of singing a duet, Spencer sings alone. Will asks him to consider singing with Jane or Roderick and the boys begin fighting again.

Mason opens the Bar Mitzvah with Queen's "I Want To Break Free," a song which he's clearly singing to his sister and Jane. The girls watch from back stage as tweens rush the stage for Mason's performance. When the song ends, Mason runs to Jane instead of Madison. She later gives him the okay to date Jane.

Myron's plan to enter the stage in a giant Faberge pod goes awry when he becomes trapped in his pod. Sue tells Spencer to climb the rope and release the pod. Spencer refuses and insists Roderick do it instead. Kitty suggests they get a ladder but Roderick climbs the rope and saves the day.

Jane, Spencer, and Roderick stall the show by performing "Uptown Funk." Backstage, Will and the other adults rehearse for their moment on the stage behind Myron. Sue asks Will why he's back at McKinley and then, in her exhausted state, she and Will begin to fight just as the superintendent walks by.

Spencer finds Alistair in the choir room playing a ukelele. Roderick spoke well of Alistair so he came by to see Spencer's performance. Spencer invites him to join glee club and then kisses his crush.

Will and Sue begin the final chapter of World War Glee just before Myron's final Bar Mitzvah performance. It's so impressive the Superintendent strongarms Myron's middle school principal and the school board into allowing Myron to advance to high school at McKinley where he becomes the youngest member of the glee club.

Sue doubles down on her vow to destroy the New Directions. 

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Glee Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Don't believe everything Becky Jackson tweets.


[to Will] Are we actually going to sing or are you about to announce an alumnus walking through the door?


Glee Season 6 Episode 9 Music

  Song Artist
Lose My Breath Glee Cast iTunes
Friday I'm In Love Glee Cast iTunes
I Want To Break Free Glee Cast iTunes