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The moms are back for a visit, but they are fighting with one another. Stef is host that Lena is compromising so much of herself for the campaign including changing her appearance. Lena's campaign manager would rather Stef keep any opposing feelings to herself and wants to silence Stef and downplay her former career because of it affecting the progressive image.

Mariana and Callie try to get them to resolve things, but moms do it on their own eventually.

Wilson wants Callie to invite her parents over. They, Jamie, and Mariana meet the Wilson's for drinks at their home. Wilson brags about Callie and rubs Callie's achievements in Tate's face. Callie learns all charges have been dropped against Tate.

The defendants in the Thompson case are weeding out jury members by race. Callie wants the plaintiffs to challenge it. Eventually they do but Wilson finds they don't have enough to prove anything. After Callie tells him that his son got off because of his privilege, Wilson warns the defendants about their behavior.

Callie talks Wilson into hiring Kate but he kicks Callie off the case.

Mariana finds a discrepancy in the pay. The WOC are being paid less than the white women. She brings it up to the Byte Club but they want to focus on the gender part first and not the race. Mariana makes her case to them later in a way they would understand. When they do, they agree but Casey reminds her that putting down their race outs them since they are the only Latina engineers. Raj signs knowing it will out him too.

Mariana fixes Alex's glitch and gets praise from Evan during a meeting. He asks to speak to her along with Josh and Angela. He asks her why she never followed up with her pitch and she tried not to throw Angela under the bus.

Evan reprimands both Josh and Angela for keeping his employees away from him and sets up a meeting for her.

A damaging video of Jamal saying he doesn't like black women is released. Malika is disappointed and when she visits Sandra Thompson the woman is distraught and blames herself for not noticing her son had issues with black women. Malika consoles her barely but has to get out of there.

Malika talked everything over with her friends and they toast to black women being the ones fighting for Jamal. Davia and her other housemate ask her how she could sell protest for someone who said horrible things about her. She let's them know that none of that matters, only justice does,.and she shouldn't have to explain everything to them.

Malika and Isaac get into an argument. When Malika goes back to Sandra she tells her they don't have time for their feelings and moments the fight for justice is more important.

Joey tells Alice she still wants to date her. Sumi overhears it and interrupts. She invites them for a double date.

She spends the whole dinner trying to one up Joey. She talks about her relationship with Alice. Meera is annoyed.

Joey tells Alice that Sumi is still in love with her.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

They managed to find cause to excuse six black jurors and then they used one of their peremptory strikes against the one black juror they couldn't find cause to excuse. I don't see why Jamal's attorney didn't raise a Batson Challenge.


Libby: Well I'm glad we can do this; my husband is quite fond of Callie.
Mariana: I highly doubt that.