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Meredith tells Riggs that he has to give her a reason to want to date him. He ends up telling her how much he fell for her when he first saw her. She agrees to go out to dinner with him. after telling him to ask her. They move forward in their relationship.

A case involving two former doctors hits home for Owen and Amelia. The couple have been married for sixty years. The woman, has to have a dangerous surgery. It ends up killing her and her husband admits that he doesn't know how to live without her.

Owen and Amelia have it out about their relationship. Owen tells Amelia that she needs to figure out what she wants and let him know.

Amelia tells him about being a mother before. She tells him that he doesn't have the right to demand she do anything. She lashes out at him and demands he explain why he needs children so badly anyway. 

She brings up Cristina and claims that he probably smothered her too and that's probably why she left. Amelia does this in the  middle of the hospital and Bailey tells them to settle it elsewhere.

Maggie's mother returns to meet Jackson for her breast surgery. Jackson finally convinces Diane to tell Maggie the truth. 

Maggie is upset that both her mother and Jackson withheld her mother's breast cancer from her. She's upset and afraid for her mother.

DeLuca tells Stephanie that he has feelings for Jo.

Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 17 Quotes

Everything comes apart at some point. We all will. It's the law. It's what we're designed to do. We have to face it, and accept it, and try to hold it together for as long as we can.


Stuff comes apart. An eggshell is never going to come back together. A window will never un-break. It's called the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It's also called life. Stuff rarely comes together, but it'll always come apart.
