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Jo is at a standstill in front of Paul. Paul is talking to her and even introduces her to his fiancee. He's grateful for the divorce papers because he can't get married until they're signed. Jo is frozen and non-respondent through the entire ordeal.

Arizona shows up to fangirl over Paul and his groundbreaking technique. He tells Arizona that Jo used to be his student and that she was a partier and he's glad she got her life together. He tells Jo that he's glad to know that she hasn't been talking about him much and he wants a moment alone with her. 

Jo snaps out of it and goes to meet Alex, who has administered the Hephrine to Frankie because he didn't get Jo's message or calls. She starts to tell him about Paul, but he has to rush her to surgery. 

The AC and all is being affected by the hack and it's super hot in the entire hospital.

Jaggie rush their patient into surgery still bloodied.

Levi passes out in surgery from all the blood loss.

Alex bumps into Paul because Paul is pitching in to help during the hack. He sends an intern after Jo and demands that she bring Jo to him immediately. Jo takes a moment outside to cry. Richard asks her why she never told him that she worked under Paul Stadler.

Paul helps out Meredith, but she knows who he is when he introduces himself. 

Alex and Meredith talk about Paul. Jo shows up and is emotional. She tells them that whatever he is saying about her, he's lying. Meredith hugs her and tells her that she believes her because she knows who she is.

Jo has Arizona distract Paul so that she can have a moment alone with Paul's wife. She tells her about the abuse and offers help. Later on, Paul and his wife show up in the locker room and Paul tells Meredith that Jo is a liar. He also tells Jo off about leaving him and tells her how horrible she is and that she can't get away with things just because she's pretty. His wife told him about the card. he's keeping it just in case.

Jo is worried that he will come back and Alex assures her that everything will be OK. Paul comes into the hospital as a hit and run victim and Meredith asks Alex what he did to him.

Bailey receives help from one of the interns, Casey, who admits that he used to be a hacker. He helps her figure out what's going on with the hack and is able to hack the hackers and fix everything, and Bailey didn't have to pay the money. Bailey asks him about his not making his past charges known and why he hacked the DMV. He tells her that he's Trans and he hacked it to change his gender.

Webber approaches April for a new position.

Jaggie are stuck in the locker room waiting for their clothes after showering off the blood. They talk. Later Jackson asks her out for drinks and she tells him that there are too many complications. Her Tinder date shows up. 


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Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 9 Quotes

Andrew: How is this my fault?
Sam: Because I haven't slept because you penetrate me every five seconds.

So you haven't been talking about me. I guess I should be grateful for that.
