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DeLuca is avoiding Meredith whenever she tries to speak with him about his father or at all. He working a case with a little girl with pancreatitis with Alex. The girl, Nora is well enough for her surgery.

Nora who is a math genius of whom beats all the nerdy doctors, drinks juice to send her glucose levels up so she won't have the surgery because she doesn't want to go back to school.

DeLuca tells the mom what she should do about it and oversteps. Alex kicks him off the case. DeLuca is upset when he finds out they operated without him. He tells Alex how wrong he was and Alex tells him he needs to stop pushing Mer away.

A mother and child come into the hospital after a bad accident. Richard and Jackson work on the non-binary adult child of the woman, and Richard tries to wrap his head around using the right pronouns with Helm and Jackson's assistance.

Amelia and Link work on the mom. They wanted to avoid each other but have to widen this case. Amelia told Maggie she hooked up with someone and Maggie figures out it's Link.

Despite their best efforts, the woman ends up paralyzed. Jackson talks them through being there and supporting their mother through it.

Amelia and Link go into Maggie's blue room where she is studying alternative medicine and they hook up again.

Teddy is supoosed to go to a birthing class with Tom when Owen invites himself. The guys are at the class but Teddy thinks she is going into labor. Owen gets the call but doesn't tell Tom.

Teddy has an insufficient cervix and tries to avoid going into early labor. Owen spends the day with her talking about parenthood and her being a good mother.

Tom confronts Owen about trying to steal Teddy away and running hot and cold with her. He tells Owen he loves Teddy.and will fight for her. Owen backs off.

Alex tries contacting Jo, but she never responds. When he gets home she pretends to be asleep. She's upset after visiting her birth mother.

DeLuca invites Mer over for dinner and to apologize.

Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 18 Quotes

Link: Do you really think we should stay away from each other for a while?
Amelia: I do because pheromones.
Link: What about them?
Amelia: I really like yours.

Move off whatever organ you're on, soldier. At ease!
