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DeLuca wants to take Meredith out, but she wants to wait until after she talks to Maggie. She tellls Maggie, but Maggie doesn't hear her because she is distracted by her former nemesis being admitted to the hospital and needing her help. 

She tries to treat Kiki the woman who used to make fun of her in med school. Kiki is still condescending and rude. Maggie doesn't know how to treat her. Jackson reassures her that she can through it and that with her high-risk surgery she needed kill the woman on purpose. 

She consults Jo for some innovative new way to operate on Kiki, and Meredith helps her perform surgery. Later Meredith tells her again about DeLuca, and Maggie is fine with it. 

A gunshot victim is brought in. His dad is part of a Scottish bagpipe band,and they are all that the hospital too. Owen and Jackson work on the case and operate on the boy. The band plays waiting for the boy to be OK. The case gets to Owen because he thinks about fatherhood. 

Betty's parents show up, and Betty has ran away from rehab. They didn't know that she had a kid. They meet Leo, and Owen is afraid they will take them. Amelia talks to Betty's mother about taking care of Betty and comforts her by telling her that she was an addict and she gave her mother a hard time too. 

The mother uses that to argue that Leo should go home with them. Owen tells him that he has legal custody of Leo right now and they'll have to fight him for him. They say they will, and Owen is upset at Amelia for telling them that she was an addict. 

Teddy and Tom work with on a woman who is so close to her husband and best friend that people thought they were a throuple. The husband talks to Teddy about their relationshp and it helps her reconcile her own with Owen. 

She goes to Tom's hotel room since they are staying in the same hotel, and she tells him that they have something. 

Bailey is annoyed when she sees Alex's picture on the wall of chiefs and he's getting credit for things she did. Richard reminds her that she did the same to him. 

She tells Karev she wants her position back, but he declines saying he'll step down when his contract is up. She tells him she's proud of him. 


Grey's Anatomy
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