VIP Case - Grey's Anatomy
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Mika expresses frustration and calls Helm out on giving her literally crappy jobs. Helm doesn't understand why Helm is angry.

Webber has been avoiding any work that has him practicing medicine. And he isn't telling Catheirne why. Benefactors of the hospital come in with their daughter who has a prostheses that isn't working properly and needs help. Link and Beltran team up to offer a solution, but Catherine is not pleased with their basic approach and demands they do better or she'll cut their salaries of the benefactors stop donating.

Levi wants Beltran to be a recommendation for him to pursue Peds, but she's not pleased with his answers for why he wants to do it. He doesn't sound passionate or like he wants to do things for the right reason.

Teddy and Mika are treating a prisoner for possible TB. Mika is curious about what he's done.

Bailey wants the interns to focus on wellness and their own mental health.

Lucas and Webber assist an ICU patient who has been there for too long, and they can't figure out what else is wrong with him. He doesn't want any more tests.

Lin kand Beltran disagree on what to do for their patient when Link wants to take a more radical approach after what Catherine said, and Beltran wants to play it safe, factoring in that they're working on a teen. Amelia hops in to pick a fight with Link because she's mad he gave Scout a tablet.


Grey's Anatomy
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