Kathy as Harry
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The episode opened with Harry being called back to the jail because Josh Peyton was back in jail for breaking and entering into a stranger’s house.  While Harry began to defend Peyton, Adam took a case for a mother named Nancy Jones whose son, Brian Jones was convicted of murder and his attorney disappeared after filing his appeal.

Tommy showed up asking Harry to go to a big lawyer gala with him as his date. She grudgingly says yes. Harry and Peyton show up at his arraignment where Peyton again strips off his suit and is taken for contempt of court again.

Adam convinced Rachel to be his second on the murder trial and they filed Brian’s appeal and when they were talking to him about the case, they got the call that the appeal had been denied. The two of them went to see the DA in charge of the case, Kim. Kim explained that the deadline to appeal had passed and she could not waive it.

Harry met with the woman who was in the house that Peyton walked into and explained that if she thought Peyton was a predator it would be one thing, but if she saw a man in need of help, it would be another. The D.A in charge of his case offered him felony breaking and entering with no time served, and they took the deal.

Rachel and Adam appealed to the court system to allow Brian to file his second appeal due to the clerical error that happened with the first one. Kim commented afterwards that Rachel and Adam made a great team.  Harry and Tommy went to the gala where Peyton showed up and sang everyone a song as he had always wanted to do. Adam got a call that the request for a new appeal was denied. Rachel left the gala and found Adam in his office where she told him that she actually loved him more than she had admitted.

Harry showed up, interrupting Rachel and Adam kissing and as they sat down to have a beer she told him how proud she was of him. 

Harry's Law
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Harry's Law Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Adam: Sometimes things are better left unsaid; you know that better than anyone.
Rachel: Annnnd our baggage has arrived.

Peyton: You know what I always wanted to do? Sing.
Harry: Oh?!?