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A charming con man and his partner in crime arrive on the island. After pick pocketing their way through the airport, they move on to conning men who think they are getting lucky with a hot woman, only to be sent running from her room in their undies when the woman's "husband" shows up. It ends in murder and the con man is left to help Five-0 find the killer. In the end they don't have to look too far.

Adam is kidnapped by the Yakuza who want their money. He escapes and kills his kidnappers. It looks like he is going to go on the run when he is taken again. Besides wanting their money, he thinks they are upset because he killed the other two henchmen. He learns they don't really care about the dead guys, and that his debt has been paid and that he killed the two men for no reason. Adam being the upstanding guy that he is, turns himself into the police with a surprised Kono by his side.

Chin gets all flirty with the new San Francisco investigator that comes to work with Five-0 for a couple of weeks. Jerry gets his feelings hurt that he still is not an official Five-0 team member after being there for years, and she gets sworn in as soon as she arrives.

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 6 Episode 8 Quotes

Hank's smart enough to know you don't sleep where you steal.


Hank: I've got a question. What the hell is this drain for?
Chin: Use your imagination.
Hank: I'd rather not.