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Cam and Ben are playing basketball.  On their way back home, they run into B Powell.  He is a big shot that Ben had tried to get into contact with before. Cam uses this opportunity to see if he will meet with them. They tell him that they only need a second of their time.
At coffee, B Powell tells them that he likes their ideas and knew Ben had talent back in the day. He sets up a meeting for them with one of his clients who is always looking for any up and coming talents.

Daren brings up to Rachel why did Ben give her cheese doodles. She tells him it was just a thing between her and Ben that means nothing. Daren ends up opening the bag and eating them.  Rachel tells Rita and she agrees with Daren.

Later that day, Daren asks Rachel if she wants to do ecstasy with her. She reluctantly agrees.  That night, they take it and go dancing.  Daren ends up telling Rachel that he loves her and then makes out with a random boy and girl.

Rene needs to get his money. He goes to his friend’s house and tries to find it.  The money is gone and his friend blames his wife for stealing it. She swears that she didn’t and they find out that it was the contractor who updated their basement who stole it.

Rene goes to the contractor’s house and while he is waiting for him to return home, his wife tells him that it is a good thing he stopped by to end the feud between them. The contractor rolls up in his brand new corvette. He sees Rene and speeds off.

Ben and Cam go to their pattern maker to pick up their sample. Ben tries it on realizing that it is all wrong.  He tells Cam that there is no way they are taking it to the meeting. Cam tells him that this is their one shot and he’s still going to take it.

When Cam is waiting to be seen, Ben shows up and tells him that they are in it together and will go down in glorious flames together. The client is not impressed with the jeans, but loves Ben’s shirt. He tells them that he wants 300 by next week.

The guys leave thrilled.

How To Make It In America
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How To Make It In America Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Daren, you okay?


Cam! Wide open!
