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With Delle Sayeh staying in D'avin's room, he goes to crash in Dutch's room. They end up making out. Zephyr gives John and Delle Sayeh's baby clean bills of health. John apologizes to Zeph for his behavior while Hullen. The baby is growing quickly. His Hullen cells are forcing him to age at an abnormal rate. Turin tells Dutch children are disappearing on Westerly. Dutch is going to drop Pree off at a spaceport so he can get back to Old Town. Fancy is investigating the disappearances. Dutch thinks the kids are disappearing because The Lady is looking for Delle Sayeh's child. Pip knows a bioweapons expert on Utopia named Kravin.  Dutch plans to abduct Kravin. The Hullen Turin is using for guidance tells him something is wrong. Pip flees. Gared helps Fancy investigate. Karvin is digital, so the plan to abduct him fails. D'avin ends up battling Kravin's guard and receptionist, and they're all on stim-packs. John has Dutch override Kravin's vocal commands with the phrase "Stop, you asshole." The Hullen "dolls" wake up and take off in the Blackroot ships. John has brought Kravin back to Lucy on a drive. She's not happy to share her space with Kravin. Kravin and Lucy come up with an antidote, but Pip has taken the child to Utopia. Delle Sayeh wakes up, and Zeph goes to catch her up. Pip has purchased two tickets on a shuttle leaving Utopia, but Dutch, D'avin, and John find them first. Gared and Fancy get attacked by Hullen. Kravin's biogene gas works on the child. Pree finds the awakening Fancy. Garek wakes up surrounded by the kidnapped children. Delle Sayeh and John talk about what it's like to be human again. Dutch determines Khlyen planted false memories in her head for The Lady to find.

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Killjoys Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Zephyr: Post-Hullen, you're in perfect neurological shape.
John: Who knew psychotic rage and repeated head bangings could be so rejuvenating?

Dutch: You shouldn't sneak up on people.
D'avin: You shouldn't scream in your sleep.