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A club scene. Seems like people are having sex in a bathroom. This is juxtaposed with the public part of the bar. where it is a big night and apparently a private event is going on.

The girl comes out of the restroom looking upset, upsetting the singer who has come to the party. The singer is not allowed to take photos or even use her phone.

The singer sings while Gabe meets with the head of the Albanian mob. A huge cake is brought out and she sings Happy Birthday. Gabe grabs the singer as she is singing  She looks uncomfortable.

Later Gabe shows up in the dressing room looking for sex. She tells him to go home. He won't leave and says she was disrespectful to him. He grabs her and throws her on a bed. She runs from him. He hits her and she falls down the stairs. Unconscious or dead. He tells the onlookers to get her out of here.

Fin asks if Liv has seen Stabler recently. Phoebe invited him over to try to hook him up with her sister but he never showed up. Liv says Stabler is working. Fin asks what her shrink says. She pretended she was okay with it. She gets a call from Laguardia Hospital.

The singer is in the hospital. Concussed, convulsions, says she was raped. She was found by a dog walker. A cop tells Fin that Gabe Navarro works with the cops so they'd better find him before Gabe does.

Tara starts to tell her story. Nurse says only five minutes to talk. Rollins comes in. Tara describes Gabe pulling her onto his lap and putting his fingers between her legs. She ran to the dressing room and he followed her. She describes what happened next and how she got away but then he pushed her down the stairs. The manager, Jules, saw. Tara says she knows Gabe has cop friends but will he be arrested?

Fin says that Gabe is tight with the precinct and always gets out of charges. Benson says to get corrobation before making an arrest.

The witnesses claim they didn't see anything. Jules says there was no security footage. The girl from the beginning claims Gabe is great and will take care of Tara.

Rollins tells Carisi that Tara is telling the truth and may be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Carisi has Tara call Gabe. Gabe's friends say SVU has nothing but be careful. Gabe says he's not an idiot. Tara says she is sorry she didn't give him what he wanted and it's her fault. Gabe says she should have come to him not the cops. She denies calling the cops. She says she needs help with her medical bills. Gabe says so this is a shakedown? He says he has 20 guests who will say she just slipped and that if she keeps this up he'll pay for her funeral. Benson says it's enough to make an arrest.

Gabe refuses to go with the cops. Benson threatens to shoot him in the groin and he relents (whiel making a flirtatious comment similar to what Wheatley made when Benson arrested him)

Gabe hears the recording and claims he barely knows Tara and she's just trying to hit his deep pockets. Benson says there were torn clothes and strangulation marks. Gabe claims that he and Tara had consensual, rough sex and she was drunk. Gabe's lawyer says that charges never stick. Gabe says he's innocent but this is bad for his business so what can he offer to make this go away? Benson says you're bribing a captain? His lawyer says they'll sue for false arrest. Gabe tries to offer Benson something on the house at his club. Someone comes to take DNA from Gabe.

Rollins says that Gabe's DNA matches not only Tara's rape kit but two other victims, one who has brain damage and the other who was found dead.

Tara is upset that nobody has come forward to back her up. She is sure the cops are all afraid of Gabe. Benson says they're not. Carisi says if Tara will testify he will do whatever it takes. After Tara goes, Benson gets a call from Bell. She says this is THEIR case.

Benson goes to Organized Crime headquarters. She asks Bell what's going on. Where is Gabe? Stabler comes around a corner and says he can explain but she won't like it.

Organized Crime explains that they've been after Navarro for 12 years. Benson is upset that Elliot didn't tell her he was undercover. Bell clears her throat, wanting them to pay attention.

Benson doesn't care about Navarro's mob connections. He raped a young woman and pushed her down the stairs. OC says the grand jury will not be convening. Bell says Navarro wants to talk to Stabler. Stabler says this could be a win for everyone. Benson is furious.

Stabler and Benson talk. Stabler is sorry they had to take the case. He had to  go off the grid and couldn't talk to Benson. Bell's orders. A cop interrupts. Gabe wants to talk to Stabler and only Stabler. Benson wants to be in the room. Stabler backs her up.

Gabe complains to Stabler that Benson threatened to shoot him in the balls. Benson quips she wishes she had. Benson confronts Gabe about the other victims. Gabe gloats that t he other victims can't talk. Benson says he is looking at serious charges. Stabler wants to know why Gabe wanted him. He suggests that Benson leave and turn off the cameras. Benson says no. Gabe says Benson has Stabler's balls in a box. Stabler and Benson agree that this is a waste of time. Gabe suddenly says he can give them Popkov. He is coming to the US tomorrow.

The FBI guy doesn't think this is true. Bell is also skeptical. Benson informs them that SVU will be part of the mission. Bell is not happy. Benson insists. She is not letting Navarro slip away.

Stabler meets Benson and tells her this is good news. She's not sure. Stabler says he has her back. Trust him. She guesses she'll have to

Gabe insists that everything is good for the raid. But he doesn't want Stabler to tip Popkov off that he betrayed him. Stabler will take care of it. Carisi and Benson talk about how this a hell of a big risk and Stabler isn't talking about what the deal is with Navarro.

FBI says Navarro's story checks out. Fin doesn't like it.  Clay asks Rollins is she is okay. SHe holds her own with him.

The raid begins. Bedrooms are clear. Everyone is in the dining room but Povkov is gone. The other participants are arrested. FBI has no idea where Popkov is. There is a crawl space in the basement leading to some kind of tunnel.  It leads to a barred off area, but they hear motorcycles -- Gabe and Popkov are gone. The cops cut them off at the pass. Gabe tries to pull a gun out and Stabler shoots him.  Benson wonders if it was staged.

FBI has a press conference with Bell and doesn't mention SVU's participation. SVU are watching. Navarro will be arraigned at the hospital. Carisi calls with bad news. US Marshalls have taken Navarro. Stabler lied to them and they were played.

Benson goes to confront Bell. Stabler is off the grid again. Benson feels they are not on the same team. FBI and Bell won't tell her anything and go.

Rollins is furious. Benson says she is too but she talked to Stabler and he swore he didn't know about this. Rollins says Bell and Stabler don't care about rape victims. Benson says Stabler used to be in SVU but he never even met Tara. She says he told her to trust her and she knows him better than anyone. Rollins says you used to.

8th floor knows nothing about Navarro. Rollins wonders if Carisi wants to be an ADA. They're short staffed again at SVU. Carisi asks if she's breaking up with him. She's not. But she feels like she doesn't know what's real and what's not. Carisi promises he's not going anywhere.

Tara accuses Benson of letting Navarro get away with killing women. Benson says this was not her call but this is not over and she is not giving up. Tara says she has to figure out how to walk again, let alone sing and dance and Benson can't help her, can she?


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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 3 Quotes

Hey, you sang so pretty. What else can you do with that mouth?


Singer: Is she okay?
Manager: What's a party without a few regrets?