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Rollins is having a therapy session and jokes about dissociation. They talk about a safe place. Rollins refuses to take meds. The therapist asks how the girls are. She says the goal is not normalcy. Also there is a protocol. If she keeps missing appointments she will be removed from active duty.

A pop star couple comes to a red carpet event full of screaming fans. They claim to inspire each other.

Rollins has to go. The girls are scared of monsters in the house.  Carisi uses "monster spray" before he and Rollins leave on their date.

In the limo Austin gets violent with Kelsey and she calls him a bitch.

Rollins and Carisi go for a walk and overhear  the fight between the pop stars. The limo leaves Kelsey on the street. Rollins IDs herself as a police officer. Kelsey says she just had a fight with her boyfriend. Rollins wants to give her a ride home. Austin keeps texting his girlfriend. Rollins suggests they cool off. Rollins gives her a card before dropping her off. They witness her and Astin making up. Carisi says Rollins did everything she could. Rollins feels like it's not enough.

Fin is angry that Muncie left a fast food bag in his car. Meanwhile Kelsey shows up and Muncie recognizes her. Turns out Rollins did too but didn't want to say so last night. Kelsey wants to talk to someone.

Benson comes to talk to Kelsey. Kelsey says her boyfriend assaulted her last night. She says Austin threw her on the bed and passed out. Benson says if he touched you in a way you didn't want to be touched, that's a crime. Kelsey is done covering for Austin. Benson suggests Kelsey not go home tonight. Kelsey says she'll call her mom. Benson says til her mom gets here, stay at a hotel. Kelsey wants to go out the back to avoid paparazzi.

Muncie and Valasco question the limo driver who says that they're kids who can't handle their emotions. He thinks they need a time out.

Austin says this is between him and Kelsey. Benson says she wants to hear his side. He says she lied and threw a champagne bottle at him. His friends are laughing. Benson says these allegations are serious. Austin says so does his lawyer.

Carisi says this case will be hard to prosecute. Rollins says so we don't try? Carisi says he says he's a victim too.

At home, Rollins and Carisi talk about the case. Both the stars came from small town poverty. News says Kelsey and Austin are engaged now.

The girls scream. They think there's a monster. Rollins grabs her gun and it scares everyone.

Rollins is angry and tries to convince Kesley to press charges. Benson intervenes. The mother offers the cops wine.

Austin says Kelsey is his everything. Muncie calls it a five-carat apology. Austin is angry that someone told Kelsey to call her mom.

ROllins is pushing Kelsey to press charges. Benson intervenes again.

Outside, Benson asks Rollins how the girls are doing. Rollins is falling apart, acting paranoid. The other cops come up and say Austin is stupid or in jail.

Muncie is judgmental in the bathroom and Benson tells her that there are no perfect victims. Also she thinks Muncie should wear a blazer.

Austin shows up to tell Benson this will not happen again. Also why have the charges not been dropped yet? He wants to do the right thing. Benson says it is up to the DA now. Austin says he wants to get sober. Benson says we all have choices to make and real change has more to do with emotional maturity. She guesses he didn't have great role models growing up. Do the opposite of what he was taught about being a man.

Benson tells Rollins he wants to heal. Rollins gets a call from Lila who is attacking Austin. They get physical and Fin arrests both of them.

Kelsey tells Rollins she got in a fight with Austin because of her mother and it turned into a war. She says Austin raped her.

Everyone tells their side. It seems there was a problem over a waitress. Kelsey says Austin was drunk again. Austin says fighting is part of their foreplay. Kelsey says afterward he had a smoke like nothing was wrong.

Austin's lawyer shows up and tells him not to talk anymore.

Carisi says they have enough to arrest Austin. DA's office is getting calls and the paparazzi is getting involved.

At arraignment, there is an argument over photography etc. The judge orders the parties off social media and surrender of Austin's passport.

Austin's father approaches Carisi and says his son is only a drunk. Carisi says people wind up in court because of their choices.

There are fans cheering for Austin outside the court. Carisi says and the circus begins. Rollins says they convinced Kelsey and her media consultant not to go on the offensive. Rollins doesn't want to be alone and wants to wait for Carisi.

Kelsey's mother testifies. On cross she is made to admit that Kelsey called the cops and falsely claimed Mom's boyfriend molested her because she wouldn't let her audition. She says that Kelsey wrote lies in her journal to annoy her.

The press bothers Kelsey who wonders why everyone hates her.

Kelsey testifies. She says the relationship was turbulent and things got worse recently. She claims she was raped and her mother called the police. She withdrew her previous complaint because she thought he would change. The defense attorney asks what it will take to change her mind this time? Some people in court jump up and call her a liar. They are removed and then attack Rollins for taking her side. Rollins runs into the elevator all freaked out.

Carisi is upset about the social media posts calling Kelsey a liar. The judge says she will not have a mistrial and she will ban anyone who is misbehaving.

Rollins suggests Kelsey get off her phone and tells her to toughen up. Benson kicks Rollins out of the room.

Austin's dad talks about Austin's addictions. Benson tells Carisi that Rollins needs help. Carisi says he will take Rollins to therapy from now on. Kelsey shows up for Austin's testimony.

Austin says the relationship has become unmanageable but he did not sexually assault Kelsey.

Carisi cross examines about the fight. Austin says that is what they do. Austin claims tearing the nightgown was an accident. She is his fiancee. Carisi comes at him hard and Austin apologizes to Kelsey and says he is not his father.

Kelsey says he said he was sorry and she wants this over with. Carisi says he can't just drop the charges. Benson says whether or not Kelsey forgives Austin, he did sexually assault her.

The defense attorney's closing is basically that Kelsey is a liar and that he is not guilty despite his confession on the stand.

Carisi says that both people had childhood trauma but Austin confessed on the stand. He needs help and he hopes he gets it... in prison, because this inot an excuse for sexual assault.

Rollins asks Benson if she has a minute. They sit down. Rollins says she knows she's been off her game. Benson says even off her game Rollins is a good detective. Rollins tells her how she pulled her gun in the girls' room.

Austin is found guilty only of Rape 3, which the news makes a big deal about. The protesters are angry and yelling at Kelsey and Benson. In the limo, Kelsey is upset because she can't tour when her songs were all about Austin. Benson thinks she needs to learn to love herself before she can love anyone else.

The defense plans to appear. Carisi says he can recommend leniency. Austin wants to do the prison time. The defense attorney wants to appeal. Austin wonders if Kelsey will take him back. Carisi says it's over and get rid of whoever is giving you romantic advice.  Rollins shows up and says she's afraid she ruined things. Carisi says everyone's got monsters in their closet. What do you want to do about it? He and Rollins hug.


Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 3 Quotes

Carisi: This is a he said/she said. These celebrity cases are very hard to prosecute.
Rollins: So we let him get away with it? She was victimized.
Benson: Rollins. No one said she wasn't a victim.
Carisi: He says he's a victim too.

Carisi: Hey. Amanda. You did all you could.
Rollins: So why does it feel like it isn't enough?