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Hope embarks on a mission to find Landon and Cleo when an artifact goes missing and she finds them in a compromising position.

Ultimately, she leaves them as Alaric shows up and realizes Cleo has been consumed by Malivore, confirming this is not Landon.

Earlier, Hope ditches Lizzie and Josie to run away with Clark, who she learns is officially human.

They have a heart to heart and learn that things are very much dire.

Lizzie tries to find Hope a boyfriend, but realizes that Ethan is more into her than Hope and they start seeing each other.

Josie is livid that her black magic made her attack Ethan and change his life, leading to her filling Finch in on what happened.

Finch was surprisingly supportive of her but said that she would need to work on being a better person.

Cleo is seen in the pit and heads to a light in the distance saying that it must be better than where she already is.

Hope and the gang confront Malivore and say they want all of their friends back, or else.

But Malivore is not ready to play nice and tells her that fate really is a bitch.

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Legacies Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

Hope: We want our friends back.
Malivore: There’s something I want, too. Fate’s a bitch, isn’t it?

Anyone who won’t dissolve into a puddle of goo when they have sex will do.
