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A healing session is taking place at the spa with a guy who has a broken arm. Kai does his mouth thing again and the guy is healed.

Olivia is talking to the gang about Kai talking to paintings. Manfred is depressed about Creek's leaving.

The guy who was healed goes back to his hotel room when black smoke starts swirling around him. Manfred is outside and sees him getting attacked by something.

The guy is being drowned by whatever it is an and Manfred tries to save him, but he's too late. He tells Patience that the hotel is haunted.

The police are called. Manfred tells Kai it was a ghost, but he doesn't believe him. Patience wants to close up the spa but Kai says no. Manfred tells them he's going to help them out.

Fiji is upset about her dead plants. Bobo tries to fix the fan and it just turns on. Fiji is freaked out that something demonic is happening.

Manfred and Joe work together to try to find out who the ghost is that killed the hotel's guest. Patience is there too.

Olivia is doing some country line dancing as Lem watches. She gets hit on by a couple of guys. Lem shows up and scares them off when he shows them his teeth, but Olivia is pissed because she wanted to handle them herself. She didn't need a man saving her ass.

Then she calms down because she realizes she's married.

Some girl talks to Lem and asks him to turn her.

Manfred starts his ritual to rid the hotel of the ghost. Patience waits outside.

The ghost Carolyn shows up with a warning. It turns out there's a husband ghost who did the killing. She didn't die of an accident.

Patience freaks out at the sounds and opens the door as Manfred runs out. He's freaked because the husband ghost, Bruce, isn't listening to him.

Manfred comes up with a new plan.

Lem and Olivia are at home talking about the bar. She's still upset at their psychic connection. The only way is to turn her to a vampire.

She needs her space and wants him to back off.

Fiji comes by Bobo's shop to tell him she doesn't think the plants dying is related to Colconnar. Then they can't keep their hands off each other and weird things start happening. Fiji thinks something is trying to hurt Bobo.

Manfred tells Kai and Patience they need Fiji, the Big guns and they're surprised at that statement.

Lem talks to Bobo about his issues with Olivia when the girl from earlier sits next to Lem. She has some problems with her boyfriend and Lem interferes. They end up talking. Lem is going to close up the bar for Bobo and when he turns away the girl pours something into his drink -- liquid silver. Lem's in trouble.

When he wakes up she reveals herself as a vampire. Lem brings the girl home and Olivia isn't happy about that either. Olivia wants to kill her, but Lem won't let her.

Manfred and Patience show up at Fiji's place to ask her for help to deal with the hotel's ghost.

Manfred goes back to the hotel to get help from Carolyn on where the bones might be buried. She enters him so he can see what she saw.

The husband shows up and he gets another side.

They start fighting inside Manfred until he takes control again.

Flashback to what really happened.

The other vampire is gone.

The painting Kai always talks to has been in Patience's family forever. She and Manfred are looking at the blueprints to try to find out where the bones might be.

joe is at the bar and get a call from Walker. he doesn't answer.  Bobo starts asking questions.

Joe opens the mysterious box Bobo was holding for him. It's got an ancient knife in it.

Lem and Olivia are in the car looking for the girl and arguing again. They head to the club where Donette is working. 

Manfred and Patience are the basement and Manfred is breaking through a wall. Patience starts talking to manfred about Creek.

They find the bones.

Olivia and Lem come upon a bloody scene. Donette killed her boyfriend and others.

Donette is on her way to the hotel to wreak havoc on the place that denied her a normal life.

Fiji works her spells in the hotel room and they get rid of both ghosts.

The vampires invade the hotel just as Olivia and Lem show up to get things under control.

Olivia takes on a vampire all by herself and wins.

Donette confronts Kai and Kai removes the vampire spirit from Donette. They're all suspicious of him but thinks it's weird that he can turn a supernatural being back to human.

Manfred doesn't trust Kai.

Fiji and Bobo get frisky again and something tries to attack him again. She doesn't want him touching her until she figures out what's happening.

Manfred breaks into Kai's office and investigates the painting. He finds Colconnar's head and has a vision and is knockd out in Kai's office.







Midnight, Texas
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Midnight, Texas Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Olivia: The guy was talking to a painting. Now that is weird.
Joe: You sleep with a dead man.
Lem: We all have our quirks. Isn't that what Midnight is all about?

You know the last time things started dying around here it was Colconnar.
