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Karen feels uncomfortable after her night with Vivian and Alec, but agrees to go to dinner at their house in hopes of easing the tension. When she arrives, she realizes that Alec has invited a friend to set her up with. After Vivian asks the friend to leave, the three discuss what that night meant to them but Alec becomes uncomfortable and Karen leaves. He later shows up at Karen's therapy session and admits that he'd like the three of them to explore their newfound relationship. 

Calista struggles with her reconciliation with Luca and asks him to go to counseling. He rebuffs the idea and later makes her feel guilty by pointing out all the work decisions she has been neglecting lately. She eventually signs a document without reading it and finds out later that Luca has lied to her. 

April decides to attend a yoga class that Blair goes to and afterwards she invites him out to dinner. He accepts and the two go to Wunderbar, where it is apparent that April is nervous. She also deals with incessant texts from Marc while on their date. After the disastrous date, Blair shows up at Aprils house with flowers and asks her to go out again before the two share a kiss. 

Scott informs Joss that he in engaged again and he asks for their engagement ring back. After an emotional reunion with Scott, Joss goes to dinner with Harry where they continue to argue over the prospect of moving in together. Harry later goes to see Joss and suggests that they end their relationship now, as he feels it is too soon for them to be together. 

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Mistresses Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

I hope it was worth it.

Scott [to Joss]

Marc: You really like him, huh?
April: Yeah, I guess I do.