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Three well-mannered robbers in Lincoln masks hit a bank. Deeks' bar is almost ready. Kensi hates his name ideas. The robbers stole a security-deposit box belonging to Veronica Stephens, a former Naval Intelligence officer and now a contractor. Special Prosecutor Rogers returns to continue his investigation. Deeks and Kensi find out the robbers left the cell phones and guns behind. Stephens claims the box was filled with her antique jewelry. Stephens has a binder of people who have threatened her for the past year. Having Rogers watching over his shoulder is throwing off Eric. Sam and Callen don't believe Stephens, and Deeks and Kensi discover she visited the box several times a month. Sam thinks the theft may have been to get law enforcement to look into Stephens' company. Rogers wants to tag along, but Sam shoots him down. Eric tracks down a member of the heist crew. Kensi knocks him off a motorized scooter with a skateboard. Greg, the man they caught, claims he was only casing the bank for the robbers. Eric and Nell discover Stephens is selling military secrets to Iran. Stephens claims she's a CIA officer, who has been feeding Iran bad intel for decades. She said the box was used for contact with the CIA. Kensi and Deeks follow Greg, who meets with Nour Abar, a Saudi agent. She drugs Greg, then two men grab him and stash him in a van which has the Lincoln masks inside it. Stephens gives up her Iranian contact so that he won't be killed. Rogers goes along with Sam and Callen. Kensi drove Abar on a motorcycle into a parked car, while Sam and Callen forced the van to crash. The box was still inside the van. Deeks shows off the bar, which he is going to call the Blowhole.

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 10 Quotes

Callen: You trying to show me up or something?
Sam: Sometimes it's not about you, G.

Kensi: You have a vagabond living upstairs.
Deeks: You mean Callen. He's offered to bounce on the weekend.