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Deeks surprises Sam on his boat and gets injured for it. Deeks is nervous before the wedding. Sam and Callen talk him down. Eric tells Rogers that he's thinking of applying to become a special agent. Rogers has brought a support staff from San Diego, including Fatima, so the local team can enjoy the wedding. Deeks has lost track of the box Kensi sent to him. Kirkin appears wanting to sweep Deeks away. Kensi escapes to the bar to avoid her mom and girlfriends, where she chats with Roberta. Nell tells Deeks where the box is. Inside the box is a key. Nell tells him it goes to an armory locker. Eric gets territorial with the visiting Ops operators. Surveillance arrives showing Kirkin getting kidnapped. Deeks doesn't want to notify anyone involved with the wedding about it. In the locker, Kensi left Deeks her father's ring and a touching letter. Deeks tells Sam and Callen that Kirkin got kidnapped. Nell tells them that a car involved in the kidnapping belonged to mobster/actor Paulie "Pliers" Baroni. Sam and Callen visit Baroni, with Sam tossing one of his thugs. Baroni says Kirkin set up the kidnapping to flush out dissidents within his organization. Kirkin isn't where Baroni said he was. Some of Kirkin's thugs and Kirkin himself show up at the wedding venue. Nell hustles Kirkin away. Eric attempts to slow the thugs but gets knocked out. Nell takes out two thugs with a fire extinguisher and Sam and Callen the other two. Kirkin escapes though Kensi's suite. Kensi and the bridesmaids attack the thugs who follow. Still one catches up to Kirkin, but Hetty mows him down with a car. Hetty officiates the ceremony after Sam and Callen walk Kensi down the aisle. Hetty won't tell Sam and Callen where she's been.

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 17 Quotes

Deeks: I love you guys.
Sam: We like you too.

Deeks: But what if I'm not worthy?
Callen: That has been obvious since Day 1.