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Callen gets the drop on Maksim Myshkin, a Russian that has been following him. Callen interrogates him. He claims to be a vacationing engineer. Deeks injects Kensi with fertility hormones. Sam has an unwilling Kam on his boat. Kam is considering doing something other than going to the Naval Academy. Hetty sends Nell a coded message. There's a threat against the team that's going down that day. Nell, Fatima, Kensi, and Deeks try to crack it using a book of Emily DIckinson poems. it yields the name of a distribution company. Kensi gets woozy as she and Deeks are on their way out the door. Deeks convinces her to stay at the office as he investigates with Sam. Callen drops off Maksim for Roundtree to follow. Sam talks with Deeks about Kam's situation. They hear gunshots and find two bodies. Roundtree trails Maksim to a cabin in a forest, with four other Russians. Kensi tells Nell she's struggling with fertility drugs not a back injury. Nell offers any help she can give. The CIA is seizing the crime scene, its safehouse, from Sam and Deeks. Callen joins Roundtree. Anna is with the Russians. Callen walks up to the front door. DOJ Special Agent Carlson shows up at the safehouse. Anna tells Callen that Katya is back hunting for her to bring her back to Russia. Anna has put together a team of FSB agents. Katya captured Joelle at the  safehouse. Anna decides to turn herself over to Katya in order to rescue Joelle. Maksim knocks out Callen. Roundtree rescues Callen. The Russians pretend to turn over Anna then a firefight breaks out between them and NCIS. Callen sends Sam to Kam. Callen teams with Carlson to find Katya. A  cop brings a package to Callen with a burner and Joelle's finger. 

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 12 Quotes

I'm really glad it was you. I'm always glad it's you.

Kensi [to Deeks]

Don't even think about it. I warned you.

Callen [to Russian]