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Callen and Sam pick up Laura Song, an undercover agent who may have been compromised. Kilbride calls in Deeks and Kensi on a Sunday. He assigns the team to Laura's protection. Deeks and Kensi are sent to pick up Laura's daughter Lily. Fatima and Roundtree fire up the ops center at a safehouse. An hour later, the safehouse has been shot up and Laura is dead. ONI Inspector General Akhil Ali follows up on the tragedy, interviewing the agents individually. Laura tells Callen how Kilbride recruited her for espionage. The power and cell service go out. Callen explains why they didn't provide Laura with a gun. Sam and Laura talk about parenting. Deeks' call to Sam cut out. An assassin drops through the skylight. He is shot by another assassin as Sam props him up. Sam and Callen get hit by a flashbang while the assassins take Laura. Roundtree explained that while Fatima was praying, the power went out. Fatima is on crutches because of being shot in the leg. She says the attackers come in through a blasted door. They rescue Laura from two attackers then get caught in a firefight. Fatima is shot while racing to the elevator. Laura locks Roundtree and Fatima on top of the elevator. Lily explains to Deeks and Kensi how her dad died when she was younger. Deeks wonders how Laura could remain operational after her husband died and she was left a single parent. Kensi leaves Deeks with Lily and raced to the safehouse, finding Laura dead. Ali asks Kilbride why he arrived and left again before Kensi arrived. Kilbride tells Ali he shot Laura. He says Laura had been turned by the Chinese. The tactical team was there to extract Laura. He tells Ali to forget everything he's heard. 

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Episode 5 Quotes

Roundtree: Correct me if I'm wrong.
Fatima: You know I will.

Deeks: That's another good point. You're en fuego today.
Kensi: I'm always en fuego.