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Admiral Kilbride, the last surviving original member of the assassination program Simon Williams, is MIA. Fatima and Rountree go to his home. With Kilbride missing, Jane Tennant takes over heading up the search for him. Fatima picks the lock on Kilbride's house and she and Rountree break in. They come under attack by armed men and Rountree gets abducted. Sabatino produces a list of CIA agents who were close to Morgan Miller. Torres and Deeks visit arms dealer Nina Barnes. Lucy discovers this is a $200,000 bounty on each of the agents on the dark web. Rountree is taking a beating on a plane. Kensi takes Fatima home despite her repeated refusals. Nina hits on Torres throughout her being questioned. Callen gets an encrypted email while Sam gets a text with a Biblical reference. Kilbride bought a sniper rifle from Nina. The email is a voice message from Hetty. She tells them to contact Gwen Johns about actor Jimmy McCann. Deeks and Torres are targets of a driveby shooting. Rountree sends Miller to the Boatshed. She pretends she has Fatima and Rountree demands to see her. Sam and Callen's plan is to install McCann in the Boatshed as bait. They enter the Boatshed by the trapdoor, along with Jane and Torres. They kill or capture the four gunmen who arrive. But Miller still has Rountree. Based on the gunmen's vehicles' GPS, they figure out that Rountree is being held at an airplane graveyard in Mojave. Miller is spooked by the lack of contact with her agents and wants to pull out. The combined team picks off Miller's thugs one by one. Kilbride takes out Miller herself. A battered Rountree is rescued. Kilbride proposes changing places with Parker but Parker declines. 

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Episode 10 Quotes

Don't worry, boys. I won't make you clean your rooms.

Jane [to Sam and Callen]

Jane: You don't know where to start looking. How is that even possible?
Sam: {Kilbride's] not exactly a team player.