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Carl Brown is busted out from a prison transport. Four skinheads get moved into Deeks' cell. Sam explains to DEA Agent Sanchez that the CiA is behind his framing. Callen attempts an escape from the ATF, to steal the agent's phone so he could call Kensi for an update. Hetty sends home all non-essential personnel, then says she's going to the hospital to guard Granger, leaving Kensi in charge. Kensi, Nell and Eric gear up for an intrusion. Hetty is behind Carl's escape, and she puts him in a cell. A email from CIA Agent Sabatino contains spyware. Nell, posing as a lawyer, leaves a key and an ear bud under a coffee cup for Callen. Kensi visits holding and kisses Deeks, leaving a ear bud in his mouth. Sullivan appears and tasers and kidnaps Kensi. So Callen walks out of ATF, and Nell picks him up. Deeks talks Whiting into letting him out in exchange for telling her about his former partner's murder. Sam just talks his way out of DEA custody. Sullivan drugs Kensi and knocks her out. Hetty's out of touch with the team, still aggravating Carl. The team figured out that Hetty set them all up, to keep them safe. An armed man in a mask shoots up the wall where Hetty had hidden at the warehoused, then Hetty shoots him from hiding. Sharov and Sabatino, two rogue CIA officers, follow, releasing Carl and putting Hetty in the cage. Hetty finds out who has Kensi, then blows up the warehouse after covering herself with a protective tarp. Carl shoots Whiting before Callen blows him away. Deeks tells her about killing his ex-partner. Sullivan, actually CIA Officer Ferris, explains to Kensi that she had shot off his leg while she was a sniper in Afghanistan. Then he comes at her with a reciprocating saw.

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 8 Episode 14 Quotes

Hetty: This house must not fall.
Eric: Does anyone else feel like an abandoned puppy?
Nell: You've got to suck it up, Beagle. You've got work to do.

The wolves are here for all of us.
