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Sam is going after Tahir rather than going home to his children. Callen goes after Tahir with Sam. The coroner van with Michelle's body is hijacked. Sam goes to a mosque in hopes of getting a lead of Tahir. Sam gives Callen the slip, leaving his badge with the imam. Sam goes to his house for additional firepower, and Sabatino meets him there. Callen finds Sam's armory stripped down. Deeks and Kensi finds photos of Michelle at Tahir's safe house. They and Callen soon come under fire from a sniper, with Callen hit in the vest,. Sabatino gives Sam a list of suspects possibly connected to Tahir. Sam and Sabatino visit Almon Shah to blackmail and intimidate him for information. The missing coroner van is found but it's empty except for a cell phone. Tahir calls the phone and Deeks picks up, and they have an angry conversation while Eric tries to trace the call. Tahir threatens to send Michelle back piece by piece. Nell and Eric splice together enough of Sam's voice to fool Tahir. Sam overpowers Sabatino and handcuffs him, to go after Tahir alone. Sam tries to take off, but Callen blocks his escape. He gets talked into taking everyone with him to confront Tahir. A tour bus pulls up to Sam and he's invited in by the driver, with Tahir sitting at the back. Nell blocks the bus and Kensi shoots the driver. They selectively pick off Tahir's men Tahir has the bus rigged to explode. Callen shoots off Tahir's hand and he and Callen jump off the bus before it blows. LAPD recovers Michelle's body. Kensi kneels and proposes to Deeks and he accepts. Sam puts Michelle's wedding ring back on her finger and kisses her forehead. 

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 8 Episode 24 Quotes

Nell: When do we get to cry?
Kensi: We get to do that when the job's done, when the bad guy's dead.

Callen: We are partners, through good and bad.
Sam: I'm going to hurt people, G.
Callen: Yeah, I guess it's time for a career change for both of us.