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An Everglades Air transport crashes in the Louisiana bayou, killing six people aboard.  it's an interagency squabble at the crash site as to who' s in charge of the investigation. Loretta discovers that both the pilot and co-pilot had been shot, leading to the crash. Petty Officer Amir Saad, who had been hitching a ride back on the plane, is identified as the shooter by Sebastian. After a tongue-lashing from Gregorio, Saad's daughter Emily revealed that her father was trying to find a way back to her. Sebastian picks up a drone hovering over the crash site. Even after further testing by Sebastian reveals that the copilot, Barrela, shot the pilot, then Saad shot him and tried to land the plane, Saad is labeled a terrorist by the media. Barrela's ailing wife got moved up a liver-transplant list days before he shot the pilot, and cartel involvement is suggested. Gregorio's FBI hacker figures out that a swarm of micro-drones is over the crash site, and where the drone signal is going. The team captures CIA Agent Terry Jenkins, who attempted to abduct Emily Saad, who lives nearby. Jenkins reveals nothing. Sebastian recovers a video from Saad's backup, and the team finds out that the plane was carrying a seventh passenger, a cartel accountant named Osiel Esparza, that the drones are tracking. Tracking Esparza, LaSalle and Percy find Jenkins shot and cartel thugs abducting Esparza. Pride and Gregorio ride in to the rescue on a hovercraft. Gregorio admits that her ex-husband stole Katrina-rebuilding funds and that's why she left New Orleans previously.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Percy: Why can't they just let us find someone like Gregorio then leave us alone?
LaSalle: You're not telling me she's actually growing on you, are you?.

I've been in NOLA longer than i expected. I'm starting to succumb to its charms, i'll admit. it's time for me to go home, you know.
