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The court hears the case of Pam Allen. Dan tries to have the case dismissed because Pam claims to be a werewolf.

Abby asks the staff if there’s something weird going on as the cases have been stranger than usual.

Olivia explains that it’s a blood moon, when the city’s craziest cases come in. Dan remembers when there was a betting game. Gurgs says they play Blood Moon Bingo but the copier’s broken so the cards haven’t arrived yet.

The next defendant comes in wearing a big hat and sunglasses. She reveals herself to be Abby’s mom, Geena.

Abby brings Geena and the rest of the courtroom staff into her chambers. Geena gets to know everyone and gives them gifts. Olivia is overwhelmed by the positive parenting.

Dan joins them and comments that Geena looks familiar. She assures him they’ve never met. However, when they’re alone in the hall, she reveals that they are acquainted but she doesn’t want Abby to know.

Geena’s in the gallery, cheering Abby on as the next session begins. Olivia brings in and hands out the bingo cards, although it’s been renamed Blood Moon Bingo to avoid confusion with a John Cusack Redbox movie.

The first case is one against a Marsha Roberts who barricaded patrons into a Home Depot and blasting them with Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville for six hours. She believes she was following Satan’s instructions. Dan uses his client’s belief that Satan is her father to hint that parents should be open in their communication with their children.

During the recess, Geena joins the staff in the cafeteria. Neil asks how Geena and Harry met. She tries to deflect but Dan insists. Abby recounts the story she’d always been told, involving a Mel Torme concert, the Harvest Festival, and a ferris wheel.

Geena backs up the story, expanding the idyllic life to the point when Abby decided to come to NYC and leave her mom Upstate.

Geena sees that she’s stressing Abby out and offers to go back to her hotel. Dan insists she should stay. Gurgs suspects Dan and Geena had a fling in the past.

Olivia catches Neil stalking Geena on Facebook. Neil’s upset that he doesn’t seem to be having a rapport with Geena. Olivia suggests he use the State Database to find out the real dirt on her.

The database reveals that Geena was convicted of running a gambling ring. Dan was the prosecutor and Harry was the presiding judge.

Olivia, Neil, and the nearby Pam, agree not to tell Abby what they’ve learned.

Geena confronts Dan in the hall, calling him out for getting involved. Dan insists Abby should know the truth.

Gurgs checks in on Dan after Geena storms off. There’s a misunderstanding and Gurgs gets the wrong impression about how Harry, Dan, and Geena met.

Neil comes in looking like an extra from Grease. This is his “bad boy” look, designed to be attractive to Geena.

Case of Todd and Missy McMurray, a couple of goths charged with disturbing the peace. Todd claims it was attempted murder because Missy threw garlic at him. They claim to be vampires.

Abby advises that they should fight for a relationship where they’ve found someone who accepts them for who they are. She rules they are free to go if they agree to couples’ counseling and quotes her father’s alleged proposal line, reminding them that they’re a yes away from the rest of their lives.

Geena comes up to congratulate Abby on her thoughtful ruling and comments that it was like watching Harry on the bench. Abby reminds her that she never actually saw Harry at work and Geena considers telling her but hugs her first. This triggers Olivia’s binga win for “criminal hugs judge” effectively spilling the truth about Geena.

Geena takes off.

Dan visits Abby in her chambers. Abby’s been looking at her mother’s rap sheet. She feels like she doesn’t even know her mother at all. Dan advises that she give her mother a chance to tell her side of the story. He’s told Geena to wait for Abby in the courtroom.

Abby and her mom meet and Abby swears her in to make sure she’ll be honest.

Geena explains how she got ensnared by gambling and ended up in night court for running a high stakes poker game in Hell’s Kitchen. She said Harry saw her the way she wanted to see herself. She served her sentence and then reached out to Harry and they reconnected.

They got married and moved Upstate for a fresh start. She never told Abby the truth because she was ashamed.

Because they’re coming clean about everything, Geena tells Abby that her name is actually short for Abracadabra.

Olivia checks in, holding her winnings, to make sure no one’s mad at her for blurting out the truth. Geena offers her a chance to double her cash. Abby nixes that.

Gurgs checks in on Pam who hasn’t transformed despite the full moon.

Neil walks by, looking despondent. Gurgs throws a few guesses out and hits on the fact Neil has a crush on Abby. Pam’s disappeared, and a howl is heard in the distance.


Night Court
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Night Court Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Dan: Your Honor, try to put yourself in my client’s… paws. She was very much on edge. There were fireworks, and someone nearby was running a vacuum cleaner.
Pam: My neighbors are monsters.

Dan: Your Honor, the defense moves to have this case dismissed due to my client’s debilitating medical condition.
Abby: If I may ask, what condition is that?
Olivia: Defendant claims she’s a werewolf.
Gurgs: Actually, Your Honor, she would be a wif-wolf, since ‘were’ is Old English for ‘man’.
Dan: The patriarchy strikes again!