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This week on No Ordinary Family...

- The family goes shopping when there is an earthquake and JJ uses his powers to help Jim use his in order to save an employee who got caught underneath the rubble. Back at home, Stephanie and Jim talk about testing JJ, Jim wants to trust him. JJ refuses to take the urine test, and Jim and Stephanie realize he was lying.

- Dr. King is back at Global Tech when Stephanie arrives. Dr. King gets a phone call saying that a very dangerous weapon device is missing. Katie continues her research on the other doctor that was performing research about the superpowers. JJ has someone pee in Stephanie’s cup for him. Megan, Daphne, run into Olivia in the locker room and by her thoughts, its confirmed that Olivia is having an affair. While JJ visits Stephanie’s lab to drop off his urine, he digs through Katie’s research and decrypts the files that Katie couldn’t figure out. Katie calls JJ back into the lab and talks to him about his powers and why he won’t tell. Katie promises to keep his secret, but ends up spilling the beans when Stephanie asks Katie to crack a file without JJ’s help.

- Jim diverts the police’s attention to Stephanie can get the evidence tape. Jim and George look through the tape and find the woman responsible for the grenade. They find the woman in question. The woman, Rebecca approaches Dr. King, and says she wants to be normal again, and doesn’t want him doing this to anyone again. Rebecca and Jim have a superpower fight, forcing Jim to tell Stephanie about the others.

- Daphne talks to Stephanie about the affair between Olivia and their teacher. Stephanie tells Daphne to be responsible and tell someone. Daphne approaches the teacher who denies it to her face, but she hears in his mind that he was sleeping with Olivia. Daphne leaves a note for the principal. Daphne ruined a family by doing this, as the teacher was dating Rebecca’s mother.

- The episode ends with JJ turning off his powers.

No Ordinary Family
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No Ordinary Family Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Daphne: But Mr. Robins is her teacher!
Megan: In more ways than one, I guess.

Then how do you explain that life-sized game of Jenga our son just played?
