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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (178 Votes)
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-Emma climbs the beanstalk with Capt. Hook. to find a magic compass to take them home.  Emma finds the compass but must fight the giant.

-When she captures him in a trap but doesn't kill him they make a deal.  He will hold Hook for 10 hours to give Emma a head start.  Hook is furious.

-11 years ago in Portland Oregon, Emma met Neil Cassidy.  The two thieves joined forces and fell in love.  They planned to go straight and start a new life in Tallahassee. 

-Neil runs into August who tells him about Emma's destiny and convinces him to leave her.  Emma is set up to take the fall for Neal's stolen property.  She's sent to prison for 11 months where she finds out she's pregnant.  

-Neal sends Emma the keys to the yellow VW bug they stole together.

-Henry has the same nightmare in Storybrooke that Aurora has in the fairy tale world.  They are locked in a red room with no doors and no windows. A pair of eyes watches them through curtains of fire.

Once Upon a Time
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