Claire Helps and Injured Soldier - Outlander
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Jemmy and Mandy are growing up fast! Brianna finds them playing in the graveyard. She admonishes them. They know they aren't supposed to play there. Jemmy says Mandy wanted to talk with Grandda, and this is where he thought he could find him.

Jemmy hasn't found Grandda's grave, but he left a stone. He wants to show Brianna, but it seems she's never been in there.

Later, she's reading old letters, crying, when Roger comes in. She has never seen their headstones and never wants to, but Jemmy said Jamie was there.

It is possible they were buried there, and it frightens Brianna to think so. She's missing them, and although they were going to wait to read another letter, she wants to read one now. Roger says they've waited long enough.

June 18, 1777, is the date on the letter.

Claire and Jamie have been at Ticonderoga. On the ship over, Jamie met a group of men who now call themselves Fraser's Irregulars, which he rather likes.

Claire talks of a surgeon in her letter and laughs that he thinks himself more capable of her, especially because she's a woman.

Jamie is a treasured member of the Continental Army. Officers look to him for guidance. Unfortunately, they easily dismiss his recommendations.

Rachel, Denzell, and William are traveling north. William cannot understand why Denzell didn't choose a more peaceable profession. They clearly have differing views, but the brother and sister cannot be shaken from their beliefs, bowing only to God.

They're hours off course in their travels, and they visit with a man and his wife, who kindly offer them food and lodging.

Ian asks Claire why babies are made. He lost a child, so is something wrong with him? The only thing he really knows about sex is from the Mohawk. A man's spirit must overcome the woman's to give her a child, and since his ex has a child, he assumes he's at fault. He wants her to look at his sperm, but Claire says it wouldn't help even if she could.

Claire asks questions about the baby and tries to explain to him the many ways women lose children, but she knows it has nothing to do with his spirit and everything to do with science.

William wakes up in the middle of the night with his stomach rumbling. The Johnsons have come downstairs to attack them. Mr. Johnson starts strangling William, and William must defend himself with a poker. He kills Mr. Johnson and knocks out Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Johnson admitted to Denzell that her husband had done this many times, and they have a large collection of ill-gotten gains that she wishes to share with them. Rachel says they will not accept, of course.

When Mr. Johnson talks of the army taking their food, animals, and clothing, William wonders which army -- both.

Rachel has to remove herself from the room as the stew is rancid.

Roger asks Brianna to bring her hard hat home so she can wear it in bed. When he puts her hand down the back of her pants, he discovers she's not wearing any knickers. She's trying something new. She got so used to not wearing them in the past that it's hard to wear them now.

Bree and a fellow head over to the local damn. The men don't look pleased that their new plant inspector is a woman. One man finally offers a hand, only to take her keys and lock her in the damn. Men can be such idiots. Even worse, the flashlight they left with her doesn't work. She only has a small box of matches to light her way.

They work well enough for her to find the electricity and light her way to the underside of the damn, where she has to traverse tunnels and caves to find her way back. She runs into the proverbial fork in the road, and inside, she discovers a wormhole the likes of which are at the stones. She runs through it and exits, seemingly unaware of what I just think she did.

Young Ian is called into an officer's tent for his Mohawk speaking abilities. Ian wants to beg out of the mission for personal reasons, but he's ordered to set out today.

Jamie catches Claire up on the latest news. The British are running out of everything and mean to take the fort by force. He knows this because it's a distant family member leading the charge. Simon Fraser. It reminded Claire of Singapore when a general had his guns pointed at the water, but the Chinese cut through the jungle.

William parts ways with Denzell and Rachel, offering them money for their troubles. He insists and gives them the name of his kin should they need it.

Denzell wonders if Rachel realizes that William is a British soldier and probably a deserter. Violence follows men like that. She scoffs. Isn't he taking her to the battlefield?

Ian makes it to the Mohawk camp. He sees his ex straight away. Her heart is warm seeing him. He learns she also has a newborn daughter. He apologizes for not giving her children, and he's happy she has them. She's happy but doesn't ask him if he's happy, too.

Her son is Ian's. He looks just like him. Swiftest of Lizards is his name. His grandmother talks to him, and she says he is the child of his spirit. His ex asks Ian to choose a white man's name for him for when he walks in that world. Ian James. Swifty likes it.

Jemmy comes home from school and hides. Roger goes after him to find out what's wrong. Jemmy looks so downtrodden. Someone said he and his family were going to burn in hell, and Jemmy said see ya there in Gaelic, and then she spanked him. No, he's not in trouble, but Roger is still upset, only not with him.

Roger sees a pile of rubbish in the road.

Claire tries to settle a woman who is worried about the next attack. She lost her husband, and she's very unsettled.

Claire intercedes when a man might need his foot amputated. Denzell is there and arguing with the surgeon. There is an older surgeon who doesn't take kindly to her interference, but Denzell really likes what she has to say and takes over the operation. The older fellow takes his blades and walks away, practically stamping his feet like a child.

Jamie demonstrates the fort's vulnerability, and the general is so embarrassed, doubling down on his stance that they will not be attacked by the British by water. Jamie is right, as the British will attack, and they will win, allowing them to further their offensive.

Ian and Rachel catch up. As they're working with Claire, Ian supposes they'll be seeing more of each other.

Mr. Woodcock's leg is gone, but he's in high spirits. He's very much in love with his wife, but they didn't part on good terms. Thanks to Claire, he has the chance to set things right.

Brianna made it home. Well, I was so wrong! All of her coworkers applauded her coming out the other side.

Roger pulls her aside, and Brianna reveals how angry she is that they did this to her because she's a woman. Roger asks her to imagine what it was like for Claire on her first day at Harvard medical school. Roger found a hidden drawer in the desk, and he has a gift for her tucked inside.

Mandy screams. She saw someone outside. Roger goes to have a look. It's night, and when he gets outside, nobody is there. But we look at it from the vantage point of the bushes, so perhaps they're there.

The idiot who ignored Jamie tells the general that nobody could have seen this coming. Jamie is standing right there, and he steps in with his own thoughts.

Brianna heads to the local pub to have a word with her coworkers. She wants a clean slate, but if they ever do it again, she'll have them all fired. Fair enough, he says.

Claire says goodbye to Walter Woodcock. They have to evacuate, but she thinks the British will show the wounded mercy as he cannot travel with them.

They set sail from the fort as fires burn behind them.

Brianna finally has the guts to visit the cemetery. She visits the stone that Jemmy uses for Grandda. She shares her news about the job and tellin' the lads what to do. They bought Lallybroch. Wish you and mom could see it.


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Outlander Season 7 Episode 5 Quotes

Rachel: You saved our lives. I don't know how to thank thee.
William: You can thank that rotten stew that I awoke to such terrible pain in my stomach.

Where a goat can go, a man can go. Sir. And where a man can go, he can drag a gun. Cannon fire will reach us.
