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Becky gets a dog named Armani, because she says she’s going to get $50,000 for being a surrogate, and then she’ll buy a house with a yard so she can get a dog. Darlene point out that she’s doing the last part first. 

Roseanne plans to track down Andrea and tell her that Becky is really 43 years old in the hopes that it will put an end to their surrogacy, but Dan tells her to stop interfering. 

Andrea gives Becky a Faberge egg as a gift when they get to the doctor’s office, but the exam doesn’t go well. The doctor tells Becky that her eggs are too old and she only has a 5% chance of getting pregnant. Andrea terminates the contract and she takes back the Faberge egg. 

Jackie tells Roseanne what occurred. Roseanne tries to console Becky but Becky thinks she’s only going to say I told you so. Becky blows up at her mother and storms out. When Roseanne hears that Becky has to return the dog to the rescue organization, she tells Jackie to go down and adopt it and keep it at her place until Becky can find a place to live where she can have the dog. 

The rescue group turns Jackie’s adoption application down. Roseanne insists on going down to the shelter and they steal the dog, telling them that Jackie is a police officer so that they won’t call the police.

Darlene has a job interview at Build-a-Bear but doesn’t get the job. She later meets a drunk Becky at La Casita Bonita where they talk and both feel like losers. Becky admits that he and Mark planned to have kids. Darlene points out that she’s been frozen in time since Mark died and that it’s not betraying him to move on.

Roseanne and Dan arrive and Roseanne and Becky make up. Roseanne tells Becky that Jackie got Armani back and will keep him for her. 


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Roseanne Season 10 Episode 4 Quotes

Let's get in there and put the us in uterus.


Becky: Don't you want to pet him?
DJ: I can't, I'm allergic.
Darlene: Oh no. You're not allergic. Mom just said that because she didn't want a dog in the house.
DJ: I could have had a dog?
Darlene: Yeah, you could've had seafood too, it was just expensive.