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On Scandal Season 5 Episode 6, Sally Langston's Liberty Report covers the impeachment proceedings against President Grant. Mellie is the first to be questioned. She is prepped with one set of questions and sandbagged during the questioning with an affidavit from Jeannine Locke. Fitz' attorney decides to change strategy and prohibits the President from testifying during the hearing. 

Fitz' concern turns toward Olivia having to testify. Cyrus calls her to the White House to tell her that she and Fitz are getting married. It will protect her from having to testify. Olivia is reluctant to accept that a wedding is their best bet, so Fitz says they'll find another way.

Elise visits Rowan Pope in jail. She has a passport ready for him and they discuss an escape plan. He kills a guard pretending to usher him out via laundry truck. Rowan manages to fake his own injuries and winds up in the infirmary. Jake is called because he's one of only two people to have visited Rowan in prison. Jake learns that Elise was the other person to visit. She tells Jake she's there to kill him, not free him, and he believes her.

Abby walks into OPA since she, Huck, and Quinn have all been subpoenaed to testify. They name Harrison Wright as the person who leaked the Jeannine Locke video to the press. It works because it was him, but Olivia hates the idea because he was her friend. Marcus answers the phone at OPA and Rowan asks to speak to Olivia. She hangs up on her father.

Susan Ross visits David to ask for legal advice. She wants to resign from the office of the Vice Presidency. 

Abby is invited into the President's bedroom to chat with Olivia. They share a glass of wine and Olivia tells Abby about the plan to get married so she won't have to testify. To Olivia, getting married to Fitz while he's still in office and going to jail are the same thing.

Huck and Quinn continue looking for a way to save Olivia and Quinn gets a call from Rowan. She goes to visit him in the hospital and she tells him she will not help him escape. 

Olivia walks into the White House residence to find rose petals strewn all about and Fitz in a tux waiting on the balcony. He calls it a do-over and proposes to her. She says she's sorry and tries to walk out on him. He leaves the moment believing that a life with him is not what she wants. Her first call upon arriving home is to Jake.

Quinn knocks on the door and tells Olivia she may have a solution, but it isn't one Olivia's going to like. Rowan can make the entire mess go away, but to do that, he wants her to get him out of prison. She pays a visit to Mellie in the tunnels under the White House to ask for her help in freeing Rowan. Olivia tells Mellie all about Rowan, who he is. Mellie recognizes him. Olivia didn't know about their meeting. 

Olivia wakes up next to Fitz and asks to see the ring he planned to use to propose. She puts it on her finger and puts his grandmother's ring inside the box. Just like that she says okay.

She calls Jake again the next day to tell him she's going to marry Fitz. He hangs up on her again and tells Elise he wants in on her plot to kill Rowan.

Mellie and Fitz continue dividing up assets and making custody arrangements. She signs the papers and they argue about all she lost and gave up in the process of propping him up.

David tells Susan there's no reason she cannot step down as Vice President. He asks why she would want to step down and she asks for wine coolers. When she tells him she wants to quit because she believes she would make a terrible President, he tells her that's the reason she shouldn't.

Olivia and Fitz prepare for their wedding in the White House and she meets with the Secret Service who will be responsible for her safety while she's carrying out her duties as First Lady. When she takes her phone out to hand it over to the Secret Service agent, she gets a call from Senator Grant. 

Jake gets to Union Station and finds Elise dead.

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Scandal Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Abby: If you take the stand, you could end up going to jail.
Olivia: And if I get married? What in the hell do you think this is?

[to Abby] We're not ready to get married. It'd just be a last minute, 'get out of jail free' card. I don't want that for us and pretending that I do is just another lie.
