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Scorpion Season 3 Episode 16, a list of CIA assets has fallen into the wrong hands, and the CIA has gotten all their people out except for one - Sardovian grand master Natalya. Team Scorpion needs to get Natalya out of the country before the bad guys decrypt the list of assets and discover that Natalya has been working with the CIA.

To do this, Team Scorpion must compete in a chess tournament because that's the only way to get any one on one time with Natalya. Then, they need to give her the code words that tell her to report to her handler for extraction. It turns out, Team Scorpion has a bad history with chess, as in they get super competitive. 

Walter and Sly get into the tournament as wildcards. Paige, Toby, Sly, and Walter go to Sardovia for the tournament. While the initial plan was to get Natalya to her handler Agent Markman, he gets arrested before the tournament even starts. Team Scorpion is now responsible for getting Natalya out of Sardovia and to safety.

Sly and Walter's competitiveness leads to them both being disqualified from the tournament. Don't worry, Walter manages to regain his spot and battles Natalya in the championship. They also get Natalya out of the country safely.

Meanwhile, Cabe has to present Patrick, Happy's father, with a deal that would land him in jail. It's a good deal, but Happy doesn't see it that way. She sees it as a betrayal. While Happy manages to come up with a plan to break her dad out of jail, her dad decides to stay in jail and do his time.

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Scorpion Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

Paige: Does Ralph have a sweetheart?
Toby: Sorry, can't answer. Bro code.
Sly: Yeah, bro code.

Ralph: Two girls asked me to the Valentine's dance.
Sly: We can't help.