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Jack wakes up on Beth's couch and rushes out the door. He arrives at Amanda's and has an argument with her when she complains he didn't ask to take his son to school.

A young women is seen being provoked by a man saying she should speak to her ex. The woman runs off and finds safety in her friends house.

At the TAU she opens up about the incident. The TAU speak to her ex who pleads that he had nothing to do with it.

Isobel buys food from a truck and someone makes her drop it and a group of people say startling things to her. She runs to her car, but finds that they have surrounded her. She just manages to escape.

Tracy takes her to Abraham's house. Abraham has a cult of people who live and work there. He claims it isn't a cult. Tracy gets a shock when she realizes Abraham wants more from Isobel. He knocks Tracy out cold.

Turns out, he had an unhealthy obsession with Isobel when she was younger and her parents died. Isobel informed his mom and he was sent away.

Amanda drops Ethan off at Jack's house and is attacked by Ray on the way home.

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Stalker Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

You can't get a restraining order for an entire cult.


You should see your face. You look like you regret ever meeting me.
