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Manchester Black forms a new team, The Elite, to fight fascists, racists, and the Children of Liberty. 

His team includes Menagerie, Hat, and a Morae. 

They begin terrorizing the people that did them wrong and streaming it live to catch Supergirl's attention, and it works. 

Supergirl forms her own superhero squad to fight back. 

When she meets with Manchester Black in Manchester, England, he informs her that the President of the United States has a satellite that will destroy ever alien spacecraft attempting to land on Earth. 

With this newfound information, Supergirl visits the Oval Office to plead President Baker to call it off. 

When he realizes she's going to try to sabotage his launch, he moves it up a day. 

Both The Elite and the Superhero Squad arrive at the launch at the same time. 

Manchester admits that their mission was to send the satellite straight into the White House.

Alex, who went rogue and joined Supergirl's fight, gives her a suit which allows Supergirl to head into space and stop the satellite. 

Though she saved the White House and the President from being blown up by his own weaponry, he isn't grateful. 

He realizes that taking "care" of the aliens is going to be a lot harder so he brings in Ben Lockwood and deputizes him as the next Director of Alien Affairs.

Lockwood attends a meeting of his Children of Liberty and when one of them tries to take his position as Agent of Liberty, he beats him to a pulp to send a message. 

Meanwhile, Alex confronts Colonel Haley about being informed about the President's agenda next time. 

Colonel Haley looks slightly confused and admits she didn't know either because the President went against protocol. 


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Supergirl Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Manchester Black: You could have just used the door.
Supergirl: And you could stop killing people.

Alex: Okay, wait. That conversation at Thanksgiving, that wasn't theoretical? Your giving people powers!
Lena: Management is such a waste of your talents.
Alex: Lena, this is huge. And it's dangerous. We need to up your security. We need to make sure that your reports are on protected servers.
Lena: I'm not going to be writing any reports.
Alex: What do you mean your not? You made a deal with the government.
Lena: The deal was none reciprocal. It was for products not procedures, which is a good thing cause I don't trust the government.