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Allison has suspicions about her father's doings, and investigates her suspicions with Isaac. They follow his research to an abandoned building in Beacon Hills when they come face to face with the Darach. Mr. Argent shows up and tries to shoot and kill the Darach, but it escapes before he can do so. His showing up brings Alison and Isaac's suspicions to a close.


Meanwhile, Ms. Blake is putting together the finishing touches on a memorial recital and Stiles attempts to tell his father everything. Sheriff Stalinksi does not believe him, and Stiles is forced to tell him that his mom would have believed him. Sheriff Stalinski asks Mrs. McCall for some files that are similar to the murders that are going on right now, but happened further back. She brings up a case of a woman who is found in the woods, and at the hospital a lot of birds show up and start killing themselves.


Lydia finds herself in another classroom this time with Ms. Blake. Ms. Blake tells she screams too much and she knows too much. She tells Lydia that she is actually a Banshee, but before Ms. Blake can kill her she starts screaming. Sheriff Stalinski shows up and tries to kill her but she ends up stabbing him. Scott shows up in his werewolf form but Ms. Blake fights him away too. She leaves and Sheriff Stalinski is nowhere to be found.

Teen Wolf
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Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Lydia: Maybe with enough time then someone like you can do something about it.
Scott: You get me the time, and I'll something about it. I swear to God I will.

Mom would have believed me.
