A Distraction - The Affair
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Part One: Juliette

Noah and Juliette are in bed. Noah's neck injury is a distant memory, as it's a well healed scar.

They're both in France. Noah has been there enough to become virtually fluent in French.

Juliette has to meet with her husband's school on his behalf to tell them he won't be returning to classes.

Noah wants to kiss Juliette by the canal. She's reluctant because it's a small town. He does it anyway, and two people appear. They call her out on her handsome American, wondering if her husband knows of him.

When Juliette gets home, her daughter greets her in excitement. Papa is awake and it's as if he's never been sick!

Sabine has her hopes up very high about her papa's progress. He's talking about going to the university in America to see it. The one from where Juliette just came back.

It's only when Etienne tells Sabine they can leave Sabine behind so he can have "her" all to himself that the girl realizes everything is not alright at all. He also begins calling Juliette "Bridgette." He cannot live without her.

The meeting at the university doesn't go well. The woman wants to know when Etienne first started exhibiting symptoms. Juliette is accused of fraud. And Etienne is out, perhaps they should can her ass, too. In other words, they think Etienne was writing her papers and without Etienne, she's nothing.

She wants to meet Noah for dinner. He gives her a very rare book and she's touched.

Before they can eat, she gets a call from Sabine. Etienne has died.

She wonders how it can be possible when he was so awake this morning. Terminal lucidity.

Sabine rails at Juliette about her fucking her American instead of spending final moments with Etienne.

Juliette calls Noah over. What happened, he wonders.

Part Two: Noah

The're in the touristy part of Paris when they meet the two women in the street and he has no idea what they're saying. Juliette has no problem kissing him and isn't embarrassed in the slightest.

When they part, he sees Peter Pan in a book store, and thinks of Alison. He also sees La Morte D'Arthur, and makes the purchase.

He's passing a street corner and sees signs of Furkat with a vagina posted there. He goes to the gallery to find the old guy fondling a woman other than his daughter inside. He's greeted excitedly before his big opening. Noah wonders if Whitney didn't come with him. Furkat tells Noah to come. His name will be on the list.

Noah goes to the hotel to wait for Whitney. She doesn't want anything to do with him.

She turns down a cup of coffee and walks away.

Noah gets a call from Juliette and isn't very pleasant on the phone.

But when he arrives and sees her inside, he stops and smiles.

She's reading Noah's first book. He can't believe it. He's still not very pleasant. She tells him Etienne woke up. Noah wonders why she's here with him if Etienne is awake. He thinks she should be with him, but Juliette wants to be with Noah. Etienne makes her sad.

Noah says these things can turn quickly. He's been here before. Etienne made Noah look like an amateur. He had a lot of affairs.

Noah gives her the book after Sabine calls and she leaves without telling him about the call.

Noah goes to the opening and discovers Whitney is serving drinks while Furkat is with the other woman. He witnesses Whitney attempting to join the conversation and Fukrat shrugging her off. She walks out and they begin to argue, all the while Noah's watching.

When Fukrat hauls off and hits Whitney, Noah steps in. The two leave for a walk and a talk.

She doesn't want to talk about what he saw, but tells her it's not OK. She says he's an artist. He can't just turn his passion on and off. He brings the same intensity to his life that he does to his work.

Noah has to tell her what love is, and that a real man will make her feel safe and appreciated.

What about mom? If real love is supposed to feel wonderful and he made mom feel like dog shit, then how did he love her?

Noah said he never hit Helen. They differ in their opinions on Fukrat and Noah asks her to please, please not go to Prague with Fukrat. Hit reset. Stay with him. Anything to stay off the merry-go-round.

Whitney wants to home. Noah promises to take her, even if it is Christmas Eve.

Noah goes to Juliette's for the night. She admits she didn't mean all of the awful things she said to Noah in the cafe about Etienne.

Juliette felt she had been cheated, of passion, devotion and true love. She was waiting for someone to rescue him. But when she was alone with Etienne, his body, she realized she had it all wrong.

Etienne was trapped, not her.

Juliette abandoned him to die alone. But Noah knows what it was like to care for a dying man. After someone dies, we want to tell ourselves a story of how it was our fault, because at least it gives us some control.

Better to serve their daughters than themselves, Juliette and Noah part.

Whitney arrives home safely for Christmas, but Noah doesn't go inside. He tells Whit he loves her. Martin and Trevor are going sledding in Central Park. Wanna come? Helen waves from the window.


The Affair
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The Affair Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

It happens sometimes. It's what we call terminal lucidity. The patient surfaces right before the very end. Like a sort of final gift.


You've been so good to me. A few months ago, I was on the brink, and now, thanks to you, I'm OK.
