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Paul suggests couples' therapy to Cathy this week, but she doesn't last long there. She leaves in the middle of the session to get an iced latte.

But that's nothing compared to the extreme measures Cathy takes to ensure Adam does NOT go away to soccer camp. She wants as much time with her son as possible, so Cathy actually has Andrea drive her car and follow the bus that takes the boys to camp. Cathy then shoots it with a paintball gun until it pulls over and she boards it and forces Adam to leave.

This doesn't exactly endear her son to her, but Cathy can only think about the time she has left. The episode ends with her sleeping alongside Adam's bed.

Elsewhere, Cathy pretty much tells Paul she needs the summer to herself. At some point, those around her must start to wonder what's going on with Cathy, right? She also spends time explaining to Andrea what food is good for her diet; and wondering how good she herself looks naked.

One of the funnier scenes involves Cathy disrobing for her doctor and him telling her she has an "awesome rack."

The Big C
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The Big C Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

By research, do you mean Glamour magazine? Because I read that article, too.


Cathy: Don't stare yourself. That always backfires.
Andrea: So does binge-eating. But then at least I get to fall asleep with the taste of frosting in my mouth.