Telling the Truth - The Changeling
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Three months have passed. Brian is dead, Emmy is missing, and Apollo is fresh out of prison.

His mother knew a lawyer who managed to help him cut a deal, but he's on parole and is in court-mandated classes.

He visits Patrice and gives him the book to sell and doesn't have much to live for. Patrice follows him and makes him promise that he isn't killing himself.

He vows to destroy the book if his friend kills himself.

When Apollo returns home, his mother has been contacted by Patrice's wife about the way he was acting.

Apollo's mother, Lilian, tells him everything there is to know about his past, including the fact that his father didn't want to leave.

This upsets Apollo because he thought his whole life that his father ran away, so he's conflicted about how to feel and sets off on a dangerous mission.

As he attends a meeting, a woman says that someone was taking photos of her baby and she could never get the photo but printed it so that it couldn't go anywhere again.

She sets out to say that the kid isn't her kid and Apollo flips out. He then rushes off and a man chases him.

He's the person buying the book and wants to by Apollo coffee. Clearly, there's something more going on than meets the eye.

What will Apollo do next?


The Changeling
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