Rushing off the Train - The Changeling
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Emmy starts to get messages whenever Apollo has Brian out of the house, something that causes a lot of problems.

She believes Apollo is sending the photos and then deleting them but things take a turn when Apollo finds her phone in the bin.

Their relationship is deteriorating but Apollo finds himself bonding with his son as some terrible things happen.

Emmy is concerned about what she's seeing and Apollo winds up lashing out at her, telling her to take a pill, which only causes more problems.

Emmy goes to get chains from a woman on a message board, which worries her sister.

Her sister tells her that their past isn't as clean-cut as she believes and that they were in the house the day their parents died.

In a flashback, we see them being kept home by their mother and their father flipping out at returning home from work and the kids being home.

The kids wake up and the house is on fire and they realize their mother set it. She grabs Emmy, but Emmy tells her to let her go because she wants to leave.

The sisters and father escape, but the dad runs back in to save the mother, but she dies.

Apollo and Patrice are rude to a woman in a record store who tries to tell them about the holder they have for Brian.

Brian is chained up as Emmy's mental health deteriorates.


The Changeling
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The Changeling Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Emmy: Apollo takes the baby to the park every morning. He doesn't sleep much anymore either.
Kim: Brian?
Emmy: Apollo. Having nightmares. We're all a mess.
Kim: You could try a little Benadryl to help you sleep. You can take a little while you're breastfeeding. I'm worried about you, Emma. I see you, and I feel worried.

Did you know that the oldest known lullaby is a 5,000-year-old Babylonian song? Little baby in the dark house, you have seen the sun rise. Why are you crying? Why are you screaming? You have disturbed the house god. Tell me your journey. Each of you. Tell me your life's voyage, and I will tell you who you are.

Victor LaValle