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Mariana asks Emma if she's pregnant. Emma lies about it to mariana. Mariana doesn't want to go tot school because she's afraid people are going to be talking about her breakup with Mat. She also goes to see a therapist to deal with her PTSD after the Nick situation.

Moms have to go to therapy with her and the therapist basically tells them to cut Mariana more slack and that she doesn't feel that she gets enough attention or that they treat her like she's too dramatic.

Mariana starts a secret twitter page where she reveals everyone's secrets because her therapist told her secrets weren't great for her.

Brandon tries to help out around the house more. He takes jesus to his therapy and discovers a musical therapy class taking place. He butts heads with the music therapist when he tries to help but scares kids instead because the kids are special needs.

Callie tells Kyle that she can't help him anymore and that she's in trouble. he lashes ou tat her. She also decides to do her senior project on her experience being in juvvie. She makes an art installation. AJ and Aaron butt heads when it comes to helping her put it together. 

Stef finds out that Callie broke into someone's house and that Troy didn't kill his grandmother. Detective Grey thinks Stef owes him for her promotion.  Moms want Callie to take Robert up on his offer to pay off the victims.

emma shares with Brandon that she's pregnant. he promises to help support her. Jesus sees how close they've became and is suspicious that Emma is cheating on him with his brother.

The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Are you pregnant?


Brandon: This is ridiculous!
Lena: Why don't you be part of the solution, instead of the problem. For once.