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Stef continues to work the case with Diamond. callie hasn't figured out that the diamond on her phone from a strange number came from Diamonds pimp. Callie and Daphne discover the phone and figure out Diamond's pimp has been lurking. They tell Stef.

Stef tells Brandon not to say anything about the abortion because it should come from Emma. Brandon agrees. 

Mariana gives Emma the cold shoulder and finally comes clean with Emma calls her on it. She talks about how they are adopted and Jesus would want  say in his child's life. She's pissed at Emma for getting an abortion. abortion. 

Jesus stops taking his meds so that he can have sex with Emma. He tells Gabe about it when Gabe notices his behavior being off while Jesus is helping move. Gabe tells moms after JEsus asked him not to, but he's worried about Jesus. Lena makes sure that Jesus takes his meds after that and Jesus blows up at Gabe.

Brandon and Jesus have a heart to heart.

Jesus finds Mariana's secret twitter page when the rest of the kids find out about the school issue. He puts two and two together and realizes that Emma had an abortion.

Monte and Lena go on a stakeout and figure out that Nick's father is behind the school change.

callie visits Kyle in jail because after having to be prettied up and pretending like she was something else, then the release of her breaking into Harveys house, her lawyers suggest she turn on Kyle. She didn't want to, but she visited him in jail found out that he joined a gang and it sounded like he confessed to killing Martha after all.

The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 4 Episode 19 Quotes

Thank you very much for taking Emma and being there for her. That was very good of you.


Stef: What was this letter doing in your pocket?
Brandon: Emma asked me to take it so no one else would read it.